Plants get kinda droopy in the afternoon...


Ive noticed that my leaves are kind of droopy thoughout the day. I had a problem with the ppm of the water but ive fixed that. This is week 4 or 5 i think.


Not quite sure what to make of it. Does anyone have any ideas?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the pics but maybe a heat or Ph problem. Try turning the light off and take pics under a whiter light so the pics come out well, include an overhead view.



Thats a top view. My ph stays between 5.3 and 5.7. 4 or 5th week PPM is 475-500. They got a little too much nutes in the beginning so one of them has big retarded leaves. Hopefully these pictures gives you a better perspective


Well-Known Member
I think they're looking okay. I tend to agree with Mother's Finest regarding turning off the lights for a bit in the afternoon. I think the leaves might still just be recovering from initial nute burn. I always try to think of "my girls" as a human being. Sometimes after a person has had the flu, they get better for a bit and then have a relapse. I would say just to give them a little extra babying for a bit and keep a close eye on them and help them to adjust a bit more before you send them back to school. They'll get over their relapse, just baby them a bit more. Just my opinion though.


i guess i was wrong to say that they only droop during the afternoon, they fluxuate throughout the day.


Well-Known Member
I think they're looking okay. I tend to agree with Mother's Finest regarding turning off the lights for a bit in the afternoon. I think the leaves might still just be recovering from initial nute burn. I always try to think of "my girls" as a human being. Sometimes after a person has had the flu, they get better for a bit and then have a relapse. I would say just to give them a little extra babying for a bit and keep a close eye on them and help them to adjust a bit more before you send them back to school. They'll get over their relapse, just baby them a bit more. Just my opinion though.
Doesn't look at all like nute burn. I'm 100% sure this is overwatering.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
yea it looks like over watering and one of the leaves is curled up maybe a small heat problem? or its just over watering is making it weaker to the temps.


Wow that the first time some one suggested over watering. My timer is set to feed 3 times a day. The pump kicks on every 6 hours and runs for about 7 mins. My temp is about 78-80 degrees in the room, but there is pretty good ventilation and some stronge fans in there to keep the air moving. Should I flush them with good water leave them alone for the rest of the day or just hope they work themselves out?


Plant is still pretty droopy, does anyone have any more advice they can give me ? anyone? Im still pretty new to this game.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
im not a pro but i was thinking is there might not be enough oxygen in the water how many rockstones you have in there maybe try just one more?

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
or maybe just do like 2 waterings a day 1 like 30mins before the lights come on soo the plant can use it before its day starts kinda like me and my coffee lol. and then one like 4 hours before the lights turn off. that's all I can think of hope i was any help too you =]


thank you very much thats greatt advice. I have 2 stones in the water, one doesnt work very well. Ill try that approach. should I put an additional air stone inside the res. where the plants root systems hang to provide more oxygen?