PLants flowering small , should i let the male pollinate the female?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, i am growing out in the Caribbean, where we get like 11- 12 hours of sun. I grew a purple widow, malawi gold which is a pure landrace sativa and should grow a bit taller and critical super haze.
The first pic is the super haze and it is a female starting to show it's pistils. The second one is the malawi gold and it too is showing pistils and seems like it is going to be a female. The purple widow is clearly a male. So i am thinking to let that male pollinate these 2 females just to get more seeds and plant way more if they are going to continue growing small like this on this time of year then i figure the more i plant, more yield i would get. What do you guys suggest. SHould i kill the male and let these 2 females give me whatever they can give me. I have 2 more purple widow seedlings growing and i have 2 malawi seeds left which i will germinate today.

And do you guys think crossing purple widow with those 2 strains would give me a good cross breed. Thanks
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Well-Known Member
by the way these babies only been out there for a month and a week and started outright in the sun. The nights been getting a bit brisker, so i am thinking that has to do with them flowering so early.


Well-Known Member
Plants need 14+ hours of sunlight to stay in vegetative state, usually -13 hours of sunlight the plant starts to flower; which is what is happening with your plants. So expect a 1 gram plant man.


Well-Known Member
yeah but i grew before during spring / summer when we had 12 to 13 hours and they grew bigger. Well at least i will get bud faster i guess. So do you think i should let that male flower the females so i could get more seeds and plant 10 at a time, so that i can get more bud. Perhaps do a scrog.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would go for the seeds as you will still get some good smoke out of it...and get a good supply of seeds to boot.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would go for the seeds as you will still get some good smoke out of it...and get a good supply of seeds to boot.
thanks for your opinion. I am just wondering if they would cross ok. but yeah screw it i need more seeds to continue getting more.Germinate 3 seeds every 2 weeks and get a steady supply. I guess it's good that they don't grow too large to draw suspicion from wandering eyes in the sky.


Well-Known Member
I would go for seeds since the plants are so small and won't yeild much. This way you have some seed stock to work with.