Plants dying help!! First time growers!

We are first time growers, growing in our closet. We have two 65w cool daylight cfls on for each plant.We are using greenhouse seeds, autoflowering klashnikova and big bang. Both germinated fine and planted in their early stage pots. After 10 days both the plants have grown their first set of leaves (2 leaves) but now the big bang started to show yellow discolouration at the edges of the leaf and its now curling downwards. We have readjusted the height of the light thinking it might be due to heat stress but that had no affect after two days.We have only been using distilled water and havent added any nutrients in yet. We were told it might be because of the soil we were using so we replanted it carefully, the roots had gotten quite big. We watered them and left it for 2 days now without watering them because i have been reading that its possibly due to overwatering. But they still seem to be dying and now the second plant which was growing quite well has also started to wilt and curl. Any idea to whats going on??

x iGrow x

Active Member
Yeah i dont know if thats Coco.. But Mary's right it looks like sand.. And the coco/sand loooks dry.. and the leaves are wilting down.. Probly need some water.. and mayb new soil

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
It's fine dude. A little seedling like that will get burned out after being put into almost anything. No nutes yet. I repeat: NO NUTES. Get some Foxfarm soil and only feed it bacteria and fungi to promote root growth (Voodoo juice or something similar)

benny bear

Active Member
sorry to be rough but thats the worst soil(dirt) i ever saw, u want to get those babies in some rich dark soil, buy some homedepot soil if u have to, that was my problem with my first two grows. I was cheap and tried to use the dirt outside my house, everything died on first grow and on 2nd i got a whole pinner. the right soil or soiless mixture makes all the difference. looks like what u have is sucking up all the water and not letting any get to the plant,bongsmilie good luck and happy smok'n

x iGrow x

Active Member
Like people said in previous posts i would go to Home Depot or even Walmart and pick up some decent Potting Soil.. I use this Alltreat Tropical Soil (sphagnum peat moss, and some other stuff is in it) and cut it with Perlite and Vermiculite.. I chose this because its cheap but works great.. You can buy Roots Soil and other costly soils designed perfectly or you can go the cheaper route and get just as good drainage.. You need good drainage for marijuana, and your medium whatever it is, isnt cutting it.. Pick up something like this,


or whatever is closest and doesnt have nutrients in the soil.. Make sure it doesnt say 0.1-0.2-0.1 or anything like that you want plain soil with good drainage..

I think its like 4.97 for a big bag of it 15L or 30L i cant remeber

It might not be the best, but its better than what you got now