Plants Dying Again - Urgent - Please Help Me


Well-Known Member
OK, so this is getting ridiculous. What the fuck is this?!?! It's been plauging me for my last three grows!!

These girls are in their 5th week of 12/12, the problem started a few weeks ago

Is it a deficency or overdose?

When the leaves first started browning I gave them a dose of epsom salt thinking it was a Mag deficency. I followed directions from this site using 1 Tbls salt per gal of water. I checked the ppm of the salty water and it was over 2000ppm, and against my better judgement, I applyed the solution.

The next day I saw it worsening, so I immediaely flushed the girls with plain 6.5 phed water thinking that I overdosed them with the epsom salt.

That was a week ago and conditions have gotten worse.

I just gave then a solution containing the following: 200 ppm epsom salt (mag), and 700 ppm of FloraNove Bloom formula. The ph was 6.5

It seems like whatever adjustments I make aren't working at all - this should easily be over a pound of primo Blueberry marijuana - Please advise!!!!



Active Member
oh and your ph is at the high end of the ph preferance id adjust down to 6 then donw to 5.8 a day later if you have a meter hope this helps
it looks like to me that you may be giving it to much of everything. just flush with water for a week an then start your feeding. using floranova and other types of feed will burn your plants. dont mix do them all seprate and not to much of them.


Well-Known Member
it looks like to me that you may be giving it to much of everything. just flush with water for a week an then start your feeding. using floranova and other types of feed will burn your plants. dont mix do them all seprate and not to much of them.
But that's the thing!!! I fed this girl only twice in the last 5 weeks, both feeding were under 900ppm when the plants were mature!!

How could this be too much? Is there any way a deficency could cause this extreme?


Well-Known Member
he means u gave them 2 much epsom salt
i had the same problem but i only put
3 teaspoons in a 90ltr tank and that worked perfectly
i think u may need 2 flush also im afraid


Well-Known Member
he means u gave them 2 much epsom salt
i had the same problem but i only put
3 teaspoons in a 90ltr tank and that worked perfectly
i think u may need 2 flush also im afraid
The problem occured before I introduced epsom salt


Active Member
Dude you need to ph your water seems high..... Keep it at 5.8 and you will be good... Try to always keep it at 5.8 that's the magic number for hydro... Peace...


Active Member
If you are already familiar with the gh product line use it for everything... I do and never have the kind of issues you are having the flora 3 pack is awesome... Flora bloom, flora micro, flora grow... I know there is tons of other stuff out there but i know 2 med store growers and bot of them only use these and their shit is dank.... You will never need epson salt ever again.. But hey i aint that smart.. That's why i keep it simple with the flora series... Peace


Active Member
Oh ya i forgot to mention that the flora micro is also made for hard water.... And its easy to raise your ppm with it also just by adding a drop at a time as needed... Peace


Well-Known Member
It really looks like an over fertilization problem to me man... Are the leaves drying out? The nutes tend to accumulate in the leaves, dry them out and cause them to get crispy and curled... Just like in a few of your pictures.

I'd suggest giving them regular pH'd water for a couple of days to give your roots a chance to heal. And then when you use nutes again, maybe try half the strength you've been using.

Best of luck to you.



New Member
I'm not totally sure about this, but it either is a total lock out or they are really hungry. Mine are almost the same right now and mine just append overnight drastickly, I flushed cause i thought I had a ph prob when they were actually hungry and made the prob way worse.
check out my lst grow in my sig and you'll see what I mean


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Check out the new scope. These tri's are 35 days on 12/12. I can actually see a few turning light amber already. This is my second crop of Blueberry, and the first riped quickly as well. My clones came from mature palnts!!!

I just gave the girls fresh phed water, about 5.6-5.8 range. I wouldn't call it a flush, but it was a heavy watering. I tested the waste run-off and it read about 800ppm. Does this seem high?



Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

I've flushed and have been giving her nothing but phed water. Conditions have not improved.

Here is a list of possibilities in the order I believe is most likely to be the problem:

1) That my ph reading is way off and the plants are experiencing total nute lockout, meaning this is a nasty deficency.

2) These plants are about 18" from a 1K HPS. However, I have three dedicated fans for the lighting and doing the "arm test" I would say that it's not heat stress

3) Lack of humidity. Here in Denver my grow room rarely reaches above 30% RH. Could a constant lof RH cause this?

4) Shitty/unfit soil. The soil mix was 50% Happy Frog and 50% inert soiless mix. When I mixed the materials together it was cold and there were many frozen chunks. I did my best to break it all up and mix it thoroughly. Is it possible I've got hot spots in the soil?

5) Bugs

Please chime in and let me know which number you think it is: 1-5

And how do I fix it?

Thanks Everyone in advance!!!


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It's so hard to say because how all the problems always look so similar i can rarely spot the culprit myself. However I live in denver and haven't had this big of problem ever and my grows were usually well over 85 degrees. The first thing that pops out out me from the last pics ared the bright orange/red spots that is very unique and I remember seeing this on the plant problems pics in the growers bible. Most likely it's toxic salt buildup I think causing other problems which compound each other. Your saying that you flushed and than it's not helping but you gotta give it time and also the foliage is mostly dead and will not revover it's really the new growth you should focus on.

You said your last 3 crops have been plagued by these kind of problems? Well I inferr that you have had a successful crop in the past? What have you done differently since then? What changed because something obv has. Have you ever had good experience with these nuts and application in the past? I mean I know they are the bomb in hydro setups but I'm not so sure about soil especially when your fox farm also has some small nutes in there. Anyways hope for the best man I feel for ya but another thing too is that BB in general doesn't like as much nutrients as other plants so that doesn't help your cause. keep flushin I say


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

The clones have been on 12/12 for 7 weeks now.

Anymore stabs at what's ruining my garden? The most common answer is nute burn, but I've been flushing these girls with only phed water for two weeks now and they just keep deteriorating

The ph is between 5.8-6.2

Could they just be shitty clones from shitty seeds?

Is it possible they're getting too much light? The tops of the plants are about 18" from a 1K bulb, but I have three dedicated fans for the light. Couls heat stress cause this?

Shitty soil?

Underwatering? I do let the pots get light before I water them. Could lack of water cause this?

Lack of nutrients? Could a deficency cause this?

What the fuck is it?

