Well-Known Member
Thanks for taking the time to send me those links I'll check em out tonight.The diamond nectar website straight up says organic... I wouldn't use it unless bubbled in bennie tea, foliar spray, or you know of other people that are using it with success in DWC. Not sure about fulvic acid since it is supposed to be a chelator or something, but most organics need microbes to break them down and make nutrients available.
Typically organics in mediumless hydro fucks shit up for us regular folk. Pulling off dead roots is the right thing... you don't want them rotting in the res and the plants should quickly grow new roots. nameno is correct too... I have also noticed the roots grow into cords when left above the water line. There should be enough DO in the water that you don't need a giant gap, and the more water volume you have the more stable your system will be.
Bumping up nute ppm won't do anything if the roots are dead.
If you are in a reading mood, check this out.
haha I'm sucha Noob I just checked gh website bout the diamond nector you are absolutely right about it being organic.
Shit I just thought it was some sorta acid to help the plant up take micro nutrients. I'm running a sterile res w zone so Def gonna skip that fromhere on out. Though I do have two drip buckets planted at the same time that are loving it! I'm guessing the drip buckets r a Lil more forgiving when it comes to user error