plants droop during middle of day?


Well-Known Member
mulching ;) .... i could see putting some ice on top of mulch, especially in extreme heat.

I have 105-110 degree days... plants were mulched and they provided their roots with plenty of shade... they loved it.

nice cold well water they thrived on, ice water not so much.

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Again, I am NOT talking about ice water. I am talking about small blocks of ice that melt slowly over a couple of hours. Mulching is key for sure. I was running into the situation where the water was being drawn out of the soil so quick that I would return the next evening to find my plants dry and wilting even with mulch and cold water. Work prevented me from making a second trip at mid-day, and even if when I could, i'd stick my thermometer in the ground to find that even down low it was getting up past 90F so I found ice to be the only sensible option. I never had to worry about dry plants and cooked roots ever again. I was using gravel, and later cedar mulch.


Well-Known Member
Whats with all these sideways pictures ?? Im seeing them all over the place. I took a second closer look... I suppose what I should have said was- it doesnt seem as though the plant is stressed to the detriment of its health.

Besides... for all we know the day had a high humidity and no wind... which could easily produce the same kind of droop

I know that slight droop really well... thats how they look on the morning I water them ;) ... or sometimes even the evening before lol...
that's true:-P............


Well-Known Member
Mulching will definitely help keep the roots cool and prevent wilting. Use cardboard, grass clippings, whatever you can find that isn't acidic...not pine products. I water about every other day. Pot doesn't like wet feet, but it does appreciate constant moisture. If you allow it to wilt between waterings it diminishes your yield in the end.

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
Whats with all these sideways pictures ?? Im seeing them all over the place. I took a second closer look... I suppose what I should have said was- it doesnt seem as though the plant is stressed to the detriment of its health.

Besides... for all we know the day had a high humidity and no wind... which could easily produce the same kind of droop

I know that slight droop really well... thats how they look on the morning I water them ;) ... or sometimes even the evening before lol...
hey side ways pictures are good 4 rotating the neck after sitting in front of a computer too long!:-P:clap:

but yeah Id have to agree with Loaded dragon we need more info or pics to know that the plant is being stressed, could be anything.