Plants dieing, please look.


Well-Known Member
I posted this in the plant problems section, but no body seems to know or wants to post there....

I took some pics of my plants yesterday, and I will show you pics from today. They are significantly worse. The leaves are yellowing and then dieing from the bottom of the plant up. Also my leaf tips are yellowing and then turning to dark dead spots and curling down. Seemed like a K def. at first, but I gave my two taller plants a good shot of nutes a couple days ago, and they are definitely worse as well. I have read that epsom salt may correct this?

Any help please!

Pics from yesterday.


Well-Known Member
whats the ph balance of the water you are using the correct ph most of the time it will fix everything. are you using nutrients maybe need to flush it.


Well-Known Member
The ph of my water is about 6.0. I am not sure the ph of my soil. I am using fox farm's grow big. Do you think I need to flush? how much water (3 gallon tubs) I have heard you do it with a bunch, but I haven't done this because it seems like it would give the plant a lot of stress. When I water, its a substantial amount but it never runs out the bottom.


Well-Known Member
I would stop the nutes( I too use the foxfarm line but not until way later) Just give them water and maybe superthrive for the shock.

good luck~


Well-Known Member
did this problum start when you added nutrients? does your soil have nutrients allready in it? i dident start nutrients till the 2 week of growth. the seed has anuff stuff in it to get it started. before you flush your soil try giving it some regular ph balanced water i water with a ph of 6.8 and seems to be working good


Well-Known Member
The problem did seem to start when I added nutes. At the same time I discovered my water was alkaline 8.0 so I started phing my water too. Well two of my plants were transplanted over a week ago. They had nutes before that, but then I just gave them straight phed water during the transplant and they haven't needed any water since then as I gave them a lot. They will need it soon though. My problem sure sounds like either an mg or k def.


Well-Known Member
looks like a classic case of nute burn BUT sometimes the symptoms of nute burn are caused by pH imbalance and the plant can't get access to the nutrients it needs.


Well-Known Member
looks like a classic case of nute burn BUT sometimes the symptoms of nute burn are caused by pH imbalance and the plant can't get access to the nutrients it needs.
What about my two plants that haven't received nutes for over a week, and have had just phed water since then? One of those is the worst plant I have. Can it still be a nute burn? I think I am going to try flushing them and see if it works. I am also going to collect the ph from run off and see the ph of that.


Well-Known Member
I did one flush, it was a PITA because my filter takes forever, and I only have small cups so I had to fill up like 10 of them. And then I forgot to PH the water.. Wow, I suck at growing.

By the way, if I have over fert. then wouldn't that not effect the bottom of the plant and work its way up? I mean, you can tell on other parts of my plants but it's so much worse at the bottom and working its way up.


Well-Known Member
no you dont you just have to keep trying. things like this will help you improve thats what it is all about. im on my first grow and had nut burn a little but fixed it leard from it and moved on. i but you wont forget to check the ph next time. and when you transplant the plant goes into shock for a couple of days and adding nutrients dont help. just try ph balance water for a couple of days this will alow the plant to take up the right amount of nutrients. you will probly see improvment in 3 to 4 hours hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I have read the Grow FAQ like 5 times in the past 20 minutes and looked and compared to my plants. It really looks like they have an N def. Older leaves are turning yellow. It starts at the tip and is uniform in turning yellow and dieing. And some of my stems are purple. My nutes I gave them are only at 400 ppm and the plants are in their 6/7 week veg. The only thing that doesn't add up to it being an N def. is that I gave my bigger plants some nutes just a few days ago, maybe 3 or 4 and it seemed to get worse over night. just as bad as my plant that hasn't had any nutes for at least a week or two. My nutes are only 6% for N, so maybe that makes a difference. I am about to go buy some blood meal and see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Update: I gave one of my plants some extra nutes to see if it was an N def. and one of the plants I did the flush on. I got some cal-mag at the hydro shop so I am going to mix that in with plain water on another plant, and we will see which one looks better at the end.

Currently, I can not see any changes in either plant. However, the one I shoot with some extra nutes the fan leaves at the top of the plant are shooting way up. Is this a sign for anything? Thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
Update: Currently, I can not see any changes in either plant. However, the one I shoot with some extra nutes the fan leaves at the top of the plant are shooting way up. Is this a sign for anything? Thanks guys.
that seems like a good sign to me. i hope it works out!


Well-Known Member
look do your self a favor stop worrying so much about nutes right now. Just give water and Super thrive. Super thrive has vitamins and hormones to feed the plant, but it is not a nutrient. Until the babies get stronger just water and be patient. This has happened to me a few times and Now they are huge budding plants. I have some seedlings that are about three weeks old and I have given them nothing as far as nutes and they look great. You need to give the roots toime to establish themselves.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Update: I checked on my plants this morning. The three methods I tried to solve my problem (yellow leaves slowly from bottom up and yellow leaf tips that turn dead) were as follows:

1. I did a straight flush but forgot to ph the water so that probably doesn't make the results reliable...

2. My problem really seemed like an nitrogen def. so I gave it some extra strong nutes.

3. There was also an off chance this could have been a MG def so I got some cal-mag from the hydroshop and used with with plain phed water.

As of right now, plant 1 did not seem to change at all (except downward leaf tips but that is from the ph imbalance)

Plant 2 looks to be exactly the same for yellowing (possibly a little worse) but my leaf tips are no longer pointing downward. The guy at the hydroshop said they were pointing downward to begin with bec. of a ph imbalance. Correct me if I am wrong on this.

Plant 3 with the cal-mg seems to have gotton a little worse.

Therefore I am ruling out a MG def. I am also probably ruling out a N def. bec. if that is what my 2nd plant needed, it should have been better after a day. So right now I am leaning towards flushing all of my plants with PHed water and then possibly getting some superthrive? I heard it works well with sick plants and maybe 1/4 strength grow big. Superthrive is about $35 at my hydroshop though, so if you guys don't think its worth it let me know, but if it will help my babies out I have no problem doing what it takes. I am learning.

Post comments/ tips/ anything. Thanks.

look do your self a favor stop worrying so much about nutes right now. Just give water and Super thrive. Super thrive has vitamins and hormones to feed the plant, but it is not a nutrient. Until the babies get stronger just water and be patient. This has happened to me a few times and Now they are huge budding plants. I have some seedlings that are about three weeks old and I have given them nothing as far as nutes and they look great. You need to give the roots toime to establish themselves.

good luck
Thanks pj I will keep this in mind.

Plant 1

