plants die immediately from heat?


how do you grow plants in soil if the lights i use just make them shrivel up?

i have 2 500 watt hps bulbs 2 feet away from 7 two inch plants. the 2 on at the same time killed 4 plants and i turned off a bulb and even with one 500 watt bulb it still killed 2 more plants.

now i just keep both lights off because all it is is too much heat and it jsut kills them. what do i do to fix this? i spent 40$ on the bulbs!


Active Member
1. Add fans directly blowing on the plants.
2. Increase distance from plants to lamp. The inverse-square law is your friend.
3. Add cooling system for light, such as cool tube. and duct fan. bakearounds can be used for this.
4. improve ventilation in grow area. vents, exhaust fans, evaporative cooler, AC, etc.
5. reflectors can cause hot spots that can damage plants, check that this is not happening.
6. lamp placement, horizontally or vertically makes a big difference. if hanging lamps are set vertically, there can be a big hot spot under them. vertical lamps can be used between plants, see heath robinson's critical mass grow.


Active Member
temperature is something you need to consider. if there is not enough air flow and space it will reach 100+ degrees and that will kill plant matter. get good ventilation and fans and open windows etc. to lower temps


Well-Known Member
how do you grow plants in soil if the lights i use just make them shrivel up?

i have 2 500 watt hps bulbs 2 feet away from 7 two inch plants. the 2 on at the same time killed 4 plants and i turned off a bulb and even with one 500 watt bulb it still killed 2 more plants.

now i just keep both lights off because all it is is too much heat and it jsut kills them. what do i do to fix this? i spent 40$ on the bulbs!
Get some florescent lights until they get bigger...


I would hang a small fan blowing directly under the light for both lights. Sounds like you are having heat issues. Good luck.



Well-Known Member
They are just much too little to be exposed to that much light and heat. You need a couple of cfls or a shop light until they get bigger. And a fan.

(Sorry to echo everyone else, just piling on ;)