plants burnt from light


Active Member
this is my 2nd grow and let these nl x shiva veg longer than the 1st time. the problem is 1 is now over 6 ft tall and only about 6 inch from my 250 hps bulb!! the leaves are burnt and dried out at least 3 inch from top down. its been 3 and a half wks since i put in flower.would it be ok to top 6 inch off the tops at this late stage or will it do worse than near the light? any input appreciated cheers

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hey skin...

do not top the plant.. you can do a couple things

YOu can bend herover.. there are a variety of techniques. I would personall tie a string to the top of your plant and then tie a screw or a couple screws t the other end of the string to GENTLY pull the top of the plant down to the side away from your light...

BUT, WHat you should be able to do is get a fan and blow it up at your light...Even a small fan should be strong enough to blow the heat created from a 250 watt bulb away from your plant.... I have seen 250 watt HPS bulbs 1 inch from plants when exhausted properly...

keep us posted

here is a field out beyond right and wrong. I will meet you there. -rumi


Active Member
cheers garden the only prob is ive got 2 plants in a v small cupboard with no more room to play with i.e bendinging over and fan at the top. i got a fan at the bottom blowing upwards but its not getting any cooler near the bulb. i even a got a vent at the top next to the bulb with a pc fan sucking air out


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Little confused on this 1 a 6 foot tall plant would also be a huge bush so how would to of these be in a small cupboard? I would assume you must mean shed.also a 250 watt hps wont really do much for aplant that size so no reason to grow that big.If its in flower your gonna kinda be screwed if you can list or bend it over.that samll of an hps light should beg to about 12 inchs and hope to stop at 2-3 feet finish.Good luck with it Id say


Active Member
my 1st grow i had 3 plants that grew 5 ft tall in 2 x 2 ft i got 3 ounce dry from them but this time i dont know y but i let them veg for 6 wks instead of 4. im still kinda new to this experementing. they are pretty compact pusshed right against the walls i have to keep turning them 2 keep the shape

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
heres some pics of my last grow and what i got from them in exact same setup
??? LOL stoner.... you forgot the pics..


ummm YOU are going to have to get a fan up at the top of the plant.. blowing directly at the burn area and blowing the heat away.. maybe you can hang a fan... ?



Mr I Can Do That For Half
3 oz from 2-3 5 foot plants is pretty bad in soil.You can get 3 dry oz from 1 smaller plant probably up to 6 dry if you dont stuff them in there so tight with no air flow.If 3 oz is all you want grow 1 4 foot finished plant with air and let the light get down in the canopy more.much easy to tend and no need to have the extras especially that big.Actually no need for 6 foot plants unless you have 10 foot cielengs and an 8 x 8 room.


Active Member
why do you grow your plants so tall? Why don't you flower sooner so you can start a new batch earlier = more per year.