plants bud look Great but leaves look EWWWW

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
My leaves are just looking like shit. They are in 2 liter soda bottles eating sensi a&b bloom every other watering they are under 600w hps about 12 inches away temps are always between 75-80 never above 80. The leaves look yellow with brown creeping from the outside of the leaves and then some look white with green still in the middle. I have some brown spots on my pineapple express near the bud. I use tap water sit out for 48-72 hrs. I feed a half tsp of each a&b. I'm doing 2 liter cause I wanted to do SOG but just wanted to get some pratice in first growing in small containers and I'm glad I did before doing so many. They will be 5 weeks Monday. First two pics are Pineapple express and last two are GrandDaddy Purp



Well-Known Member
ditch the tap water, most of that is from sodium and other things in the tap water. the 24 hour trick is for chlorine only and most water companies use chloramine these days, which is ammonia added w/ the chlorine to make it not evaporate. not to mention the flouride and other crap in there............ use r.o. water. id say give it a good flush and start feeding normally after that, and get some cal-mag for the ro water. also keep in mind that each local water source is different, somebody in one region might have ok tap water and another guy in a different region wont. thats why some can get away with it and others cant. check out your local water companies website if your curious as to whats in there, but imo, use the reverse osmosis or bottled water, just check the label to make sure it says "no sodium". Good Luck

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
ditch the tap water, most of that is from sodium and other things in the tap water. the 24 hour trick is for chlorine only and most water companies use chloramine these days, which is ammonia added w/ the chlorine to make it not evaporate. not to mention the flouride and other crap in there............ use r.o. water. id say give it a good flush and start feeding normally after that, and get some cal-mag for the ro water. also keep in mind that each local water source is different, somebody in one region might have ok tap water and another guy in a different region wont. thats why some can get away with it and others cant. check out your local water companies website if your curious as to whats in there, but imo, use the reverse osmosis or bottled water, just check the label to make sure it says "no sodium". Good Luck
But that's the thing I've been using this water since I first started growing and never had this kind of problems. Do you think it could be for the small containers?

Are those autos? If not why did you grow them in such small containers?
not being smart but did you read the whole post?

Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
What i see from the images provided is a mixture of light/heat burn. Can you tell us more about your grow conditions?


Well-Known Member
Root system not large enough to supply the water needed to cool and keep the leaves for your plants under that intense amount of light.

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
It was a mistake on my part just trying to help I guess I don't see the point in growing in such a little container but I get it was a expirament you are trying. Just trying to help.


Well-Known Member
But that's the thing I've been using this water since I first started growing and never had this kind of problems. Do you think it could be for the small containers?

not being smart but did you read the whole post?
I think the impurities in the tap water have caused a nutrient lockout, along w/ sodium burn. I doubt its container size, i just cut down some 4-4.5 footers in one gal containers last night, everything was just fine. I would suggest using clear-x or flora kleen, water normally w/ either product for 2-3 waterings and start feeding heavy from there on using ro or bottled water.