Plants are very sad----PLEASE HELP--1ST TIM GROW


I germinated 4 church and 2 great white shark on the 24th Dec.
All sprouted within 2 days, put them into jiffy pots and under 80 watt flouresent when first set of leaves showed for 24 hours light. They all looked healthy. im using bio bizz all mix. After 2 weeks put them under 400watt hps 18/6 still looked healthy. My friend called and told me that they need nutes so we gave them 1ml od bio bizz fish meal per litre of water on the 14th day of growth. the next few days they started to turn yellow then brown and then fall off. So my so-called mate told me to flush them with just water ph 6.5, so at the end of 4th week of growth i flushed them until a litre of dirty water came out. that was one week ago and havent given them anything yet. Tempeture is 27 degrees and humidity is 30 when lights are on and 14 degrees and 60-70 humidity when lights are off.
Dont know what to do....could strangle my friend!
Photos attached


27 Celsius is about 80 which is fine, its the night hours of (57F/14C), that may be too low for good root growth. The curls and folding of the leaves is nute burn.

Are you using a 400watt HPS or MH? Looks like a HPS, which is not good for vegging.

These plants are 5 weeks old???? If so, read up lots more and start over.


my guess would be nuteburn also. how much and how often do you water?
yeah 5ks old,was watering every 3,4 days maybe 1ltr each,ph was 6.5 and lukewarm,things started going wrong after i gave them more there anyway i can save them.the guy in the shop told me that this light would do for veg and flowering.


Active Member
try backing off the nutes for a little while you look like youve burned them pretty bad. I took a second glance and maybe its not overwatering after all. Try transplanting into some new soil maybe. Something with less nutes. then try flushing the roots maybe pushing that shit away from the root system. im not an indoor grower so im sorry i cant much more than that.


Active Member
Backoff off the nutes and flush for a week with PH'd water, Also 14c is too low for lights out temp, around 19-20 is optimal.


try backing off the nutes for a little while you look like youve burned them pretty bad. I took a second glance and maybe its not overwatering after all. Try transplanting into some new soil maybe. Something with less nutes. then try flushing the roots maybe pushing that shit away from the root system. im not an indoor grower so im sorry i cant much more than that.
i know now dont tink they needed nutes after just 14days in veg,thanks for your help and ill try that when lights are on


Active Member
depending on your grow medium ...soil usually holds more nutrients from the get go. If its something good then you shouldnt have to add nutes for at least 30 days. even then with some strains id wait 35-40 and then slowly work your way up but your working with pots sow flushing shouldnt be a problem just make sure you have proper drainage or you will get root rot.


i know now dont tink they needed nutes after just 14days in veg,thanks for your help and ill try that when lights are on
i flushed them 7days ago they all got 2ltr water ph6.5 about 1ltr ran out the bottom,havnt gave them anything yet should i flush them again are am i doing it wrong.thanks alot for ur time


Active Member
now let them dry out a little you dont want to over water... reach down with your finger and see how dry the soil is half an inch down once the plants using the water in the pot you can probably begin your regular waterings again... your plants will be stressed and stunted for a few weeks they need to recover. give them love and dont over nute those babies.

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
27 Celsius is about 80 which is fine, its the night hours of (57F/14C), that may be too low for good root growth. The curls and folding of the leaves is nute burn.

Are you using a 400watt HPS or MH? Looks like a HPS, which is not good for vegging.

These plants are 5 weeks old???? If so, read up lots more and start over.
The first part of your post is good info... then you let yourself down..
HPS's are now made with more Blue Spectrum added, so HPS's are now used and work (VERY WELL) for the whole grow..

As for the last part of your post... Out of order IMO! Telling someone to read up is good but there are ways of telling them?! Start over ?? Give the guy a break.. they may look bad at the moment but they could pull through, they don't call it weed for no reason!!

Anyway Bridge,

All Mix has enough fertilizer in it to last around 5/6 weeks, a telling sign to when your plants need feeding is when the seedling leaves (1st or rounded leaves) turn yellow and drop off.. this is when I would apply my first feed at 1/4 strength!
From what I'v read I would say your on top of it now?
I would also advise to read.. Read.. Read and Read somemore... you will always learn something new! I'v been reading about growing for around 3 years, only been growing for about a year though and I'm still learning (I will never claim to know it all either because there is far to much to know!)
Good luck to you dude, I hope they pull through for you! :peace::joint:


The first part of your post is good info... then you let yourself down..
HPS's are now made with more Blue Spectrum added, so HPS's are now used and work (VERY WELL) for the whole grow..

As for the last part of your post... Out of order IMO! Telling someone to read up is good but there are ways of telling them?! Start over ?? Give the guy a break.. they may look bad at the moment but they could pull through, they don't call it weed for no reason!!

Anyway Bridge,

All Mix has enough fertilizer in it to last around 5/6 weeks, a telling sign to when your plants need feeding is when the seedling leaves (1st or rounded leaves) turn yellow and drop off.. this is when I would apply my first feed at 1/4 strength!
From what I'v read I would say your on top of it now?
I would also advise to read.. Read.. Read and Read somemore... you will always learn something new! I'v been reading about growing for around 3 years, only been growing for about a year though and I'm still learning (I will never claim to know it all either because there is far to much to know!)
Good luck to you dude, I hope they pull through for you! :peace::joint:
thanks for that,so should i just give them just water for a few wks and fingers crossed they recover

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
Yeh man, give them time, they may take a while... I would get some more seeds if you can just in case... but I'v seen worse that have pulled through and produced quality bud!


Also, try and get some sort of heat to them during lights off.. may help them to recover quicker! :)
thanks bud,ive turned on the rad in room today to bring temps up at nt,lights are bak on at 7 so ill know shortly want temp was like,get bak to you later thanks