Plants are too long to support themselves


Not sure what the best way to go about fixing this. My plants are about two weeks into flowering, and (I hope) have gotten through most of their growth spurt. The problem is that I left them in veg a little too long, and they started flopping all over the place when I changed the reservoir today--they're about five feet tall now. The plants are showing lots of nice flowers, but haven't started producing any bud mass yet, so I'm worried about what will happen when they start putting weight on, especially.

Is this going to affect my harvest weight? I can't really tie the plants up, because I need to be able to move them around when I change the reservoir. I was also thinking of cutting 6-8 inches off the tallest tops... unless that would be a bad idea at this stage?

I'm mostly worried about getting the most weight out of the plants, here--the genetics and nutrients I'm using mean the quality really takes care of itself, and the plants are plenty healthy-looking, just a tad on the stringy side due to vegging with an HPS.

Thanks for the help!