Plants are no longer invincible. I may have a problem and need an answer. WITH PICS


Active Member
So I'm finally starting to have a problem...I think. The plant has been put into the flower room and some of the fan leaves are starting to turn yellow. The plant has not been in the flower room for more than two days when this started to occur. Do I have a problem or is it not that serious?


  • 4' x2' flower room with inline fan
  • 400 watt hps
  • degree range of 85 to 90
  • 12/12 light cycle
  • Soil = 1 part happy frog, 1 part perlite
  • Nutes = roots organic Budda Grow, Budda Bloom, Extreme serene, ancient amber, trinity. All used properly based on the books recommendations.
  • 2 gal pot water once every 2 or 3 days.
  • humidity = 20% to 30%
  • PH = unknown



Active Member
I think it might need more room than that 2 gal contanier. But it could be that its just not digging your soil type. Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
humidity is too low .. should be around 45 , your ph could be out which will cause major problems in time ,90deg is kinda on the high side, could be root bound ... as for the nutes.. you did start out using less nute then they recommened ? didn't you?


Active Member
humidity is too low .. should be around 45 , your ph could be out which will cause major problems in time ,90deg is kinda on the high side, could be root bound ... as for the nutes.. you did start out using less nute then they recommened ? didn't you?
Yes, I always use slighly less measurements of nutes than they recommend. I'm thinking it may be because of the small pot or a PH problem.


Active Member
if I'm not mistaken Happy Frog already has perlite so your over 50% perlite. I don't recommend more than 30%. I would transplant into 3 gal gr.bag and use fresh soil like sunshine mix. If you use a nutrient rich soil like Happy frog and nutrients besides you can get an imbalance in certain nutrients. Its much easier to control the proper NPK and trace elements if its not already in the soil. Good luck Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
the first thing I recommend is to get a ph meter - if you want a successful grow you need to eliminate any problems you can before they cause you anguish. There are plenty of things you cant control that will sneak up on you and cause problems