Plants are growing but roots arent?


Active Member
First I received the plants as clones then I kept them in an ice box and with florescent lights and regulated the temperature and humidity...

Now the plants are growing well but today when I checked the largest plant (about 6 inch+) there roots barely grew...In a video I saw fresh clones about 3-4 inches grew crazy roots

Is this a bad sign? should I somehow stimulate root growth first before switching to the HPS?


Well-Known Member
each strains roots grow diiferently. i've had pots that were near root bound and others of different strains the same age that barely had roots at all yet the results of the finished product were the same.

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Well-Known Member
First I received the plants as clones then I kept them in an ice box and with florescent lights and regulated the temperature and humidity...

Now the plants are growing well but today when I checked the largest plant (about 6 inch+) there roots barely grew...In a video I saw fresh clones about 3-4 inches grew crazy roots

Is this a bad sign? should I somehow stimulate root growth first before switching to the HPS?
To help your roots grow try this or something like it before putting under HPS

Fulcrum Spring


Well-Known Member
In have them in a ice box or fridge. Is that is keep them in statis? Or are you growing in there? Please be explicit.


Active Member
In have them in a ice box or fridge. Is that is keep them in statis? Or are you growing in there? Please be explicit.
oh no no sorry the ice box is just a container box...its not meant to keep them in statis or anything..i'm just growing there

i think it could be when i transplanted them into the styrofoam cups there wasn't enough drainage that the soil was clogged..i dont know...lots of trials and errors for me right now