Plants are budding, leaves are yellow


Hi all,

My plants started flowering so I switched to my flower nutes. Some of the bigger leaves are getting yellow... Am I using too much fertilizer?IMG_20200921_184426.jpg


Active Member
Hi all,

My plants started flowering so I switched to my flower nutes. Some of the bigger leaves are getting yellow... Am I using too much fertilizer?View attachment 4690951
yep nitrogen deficiency for sure...taper off your veg Nutes each week. I use 1/4 veg Nutes week 1-2, 1/8 veg nutes Weeks 3-4/5. They still need nitrogen to keep green and healthy through most of flower.


Well-Known Member
No. You are not using to much bloom nutes. You however are not using enough nitrogen. Normal mistake for new growers.

What line of nutes are you using.


Well-Known Member
she just needs some more N. If you dont want to change your bloom nutrients, id simple add some alaskan fish fertilizer (5-1-1) to your next feeding at 1-2Tbsp per gallon. You'll notice her start to green back up slowly over the course of the following week


Well-Known Member
Well i would up it a little or just a little more bloom A,What does the bottle say.


New Member
Your plant is just pulling the nutrients from the leafs to feed her buds it’s very normal thing in flower if u want to up the nutrient level that would be good and I would add a lil more nitrogen and Calcium magnesium to the bloom nutrients but don’t worry at all she will be just fine looks good


Well-Known Member
Your plant is just pulling the nutrients from the leafs to feed her buds it’s very normal thing in flower if u want to up the nutrient level that would be good and I would add a lil more nitrogen and Calcium magnesium to the bloom nutrients but don’t worry at all she will be just fine looks good
Yes, I totally agree that this is perfectly normal for a plant at this stage of flowering. Nothing to be alarmed about here.