plants a hermie - CBD crew critical Mass


Well-Known Member
ok so about 3 weeks into flowering. got some nice bud sites coming in... along with some ball sacks all of the sudden... does this mean its gotta go??.. and im assuming the little popcorn puffs on it are not even potent. what can i do with the plant aside from killing it i assume.

Also not to happy that its a hermie these seeds are very expensive and i was growing it for a severe medical illness now one of them has to go. Not good at all. I bring this up because i remember seeing older threads where this company has had hermie problems


Active Member
I would grow it out and see how bad the herm problem gets, I have completed plants that hermed on a branch or 2 and the yield still ended up being very nice. I am finishing up some CBD Critical Mass my self right now and no such problems but I would assume it's because the cbd seeds are still kind of new and they are the only company that delivers a decent CBD ratio in every seed.


Well-Known Member
what if the sacs open up.. im a newb so i dont know how to monitor it.. maybe i should just kill it in that case? should i risk pollenation.. or pull the sacs off of it? whats my best choice here you think for someone like me who is new


Well-Known Member
Bummer, I just started a cbd crew shark shock. Hope it doesn't hermi :( good luck though, maybe you can pick off the sacks if there's not too many, don't take my word on doing that though because I don't have a lot of experience with it, but thats what I'd do


Well-Known Member
I'd say just rip off the sacks as they come in and let it finish out. Give it a good inspection every day or every couple days. You might get a few seeds in your bud but a few seeds in a lot of bud is better than no bud at all. That's just my opinion though. Some people may disagree with me there.
you can pull them off make sure you get the whole nanner tho...... try to let it go unless it gets bad........ once i had a sublimeXblueberry was the biggest in the room started showing bannana. at week 6 so i pulled em but by week 8 i woke up one morning an about 50% of the buds were sprouting pollen sacks...... it was really sad