Planting too early in the spring = auto flowering due to light

Autos don't flower with any day length ...thats photos that do that, as the days get longer a photo perdioc plant will return to veg growth ...but not an auto flower, go get some perlite and fox farm? ocean forest from a local home depot or any good garden store

Avoid the local grow store as the prices are at best thru the roof?
I bet you didn't pay much attention in class.
Discount Hydroponics in the I.E. Has ffof 1.5cubicft and ffHf 2cubicft for ten bucks a bag. Kellogg's went under fire a little bit ago for its contents... I think it was sludge from a sewage filtration center... Human Poo... Don't quote me, but I read it in a few places in the last few years. My 2¢.
I've heard about that too. It was either scotts or MG who's bags said "eco waste" or some deceptive term like that, and it was really sludge from the LA sewer system. I don't know how much they had to pay in bribes to get that labeled as organic. Shampoo, dish soap, bleach, all the chemical filled foods people eat and poop, can never be considered organic.