planting tommorow.some questions


so, I just got my 3x biodiesel mass feminised [auto], 1x NL blue fem and 2x Big Bud regular seeds. Found a spot in a forest really close to a swamp with excellent sunlight .
I am planning on going all-organic , since I dont like chemicals.
question nr 1. what should I use for soil? since I have absolutely no avilability for bagged soil like forxfarm and other fancy brands I gotta mix it myself.
I was thinkig mixing the native soil from swamp (looks pretty good ) with some perlite and cow manure . That is all this far. What else should I mix in for better results?
Other thing - I am going to dig holes and fill them up with soil instead of using pots , is that a good idea?


Well-Known Member
If you have to mix some manure in, I wouldn't plant tomorrow. Maybe start them in some small pots to keep near your site? What's your soil look like? If its that good (forest humus is a main ingredient in a lot of primo bagged soils and composts) , you might be able to get away with just digging a whole, throwing a shovel full of manure in the bottom of the hole, mixing the soil you dug out with the perlite, and planting that way. Good luck! I've never done guerilla growing, but it sounds like a rush.


i wanted to take a pic of it yesterday . actually it is more like only peat and moss :D
can I work with that, or should I go and buy some bagged polish soil and mix it up?


Well-Known Member
i wanted to take a pic of it yesterday . actually it is more like only peat and moss :D
can I work with that, or should I go and buy some bagged polish soil and mix it up?
You have a list of your polish brands ingredients? Local bagged soil should be enough to bring you to harvest. Peat and moss is a good medium. Go ahead and mix the peat with the manure, but you have to let it sit a week or two before you plant your seedlings. It's going to be hot. If you can get about 6 cubic feet (I know, silly american system) of plant matter compost, that will be better. It will be less hot and the chunky wood pieces in plant matter compost is an ideal situation for beneficial fungi, which Im sure you know is essential to an organic environment.

As long as you give it the simple stuff in an organics environment, you will get good tasting bud. Buy some supplies so you can brew organic teas to take up to your site. I got a bucket (found it), pump, tubing, and air stone for less than about 10 euros just this past weekend. Hopefully your grow shops are just as cheap. As long as you feed your soil, your soil will feed your plants.


Well-Known Member
You can top ammend with guanos... probably easier depending if you have electricity at your spot and how often you can visit


dig holes and fill them up with soil instead of using pots is a exellent idea,way better than pots(pots dry way faster,spase is never inaf,restricter root grow),the soil you have chosen looks fine to me,bigger holes=better,instead of cow manure you can use rabbit,less chanse to burn(some say none,rabbit manure don't need composting,you can brew excellent tea from it as well),just remember-there is not need to feed them for a 2-3 weeks,i would start them inside under some floros or sfls(as i allways have done),after 3-4 weeks they are ready to go outside,better chanse to survive,better start+you can sex the autos(ou,i just real.they are fem.,but still-sometimes femin.go males(hermis mostly).as for the recipe-there are so many,do some research on the site(if cannot find-google it),i cannot remember exactly my owns(14 years since last organic grow),ou,and one more thing-add some smashed egg shells+coffee grounds,mix it in the top part of your soil,at the time i had excellent results just with rabbit manure(premixed with native soil)& egg shells+coffee grounds premixed at the top that time (before internet:lol:)in east europe there was not knowledge about weed at all,(you may remember if you are 35+),this recipe was given to me from the old man,who gave me the very first weed seeds,at the time i grew monsters using it,but the genetics was poor(some sativa dominant native improved hemp i gess,you needed 1 cigarette to got high),but the weed grew 3-4 meters high,i gess it is gonna work for your organic grow as well+no burning,cow,horse and chiken manure can be way hot if not composted,exp.for young plants,as can be teas brew from them.just my 2 cents.


so i'll mix up peat with bagged soil for the first weeks and then start watering with tea, will that work fine?


probably,just find good tea recipe,i think there is a organic section on this site,do some research&ask there,you'll find the answer faster(use search thread button)


Well-Known Member
Dude you dont have a wal mart or home depot by you? Just by some generic organic soil mix and mix it with the native soil if its good enough.


Well-Known Member
Just google for some tea recipes. A basic one that Ive used is a 5 gallon bucket with a cup each of steer manure, plant compost, earthworm castings in a nylon stocking. Tie up the matter so that it cant come out the stocking. Put air stone on the bottom of the bucket and let brew 24-48 hours. Use non chlorinated water.


Active Member
Miracle Gro Organic Choice Garden Soil

Mix 1 bag with 6 square feet of native soil and done...I use it for my vegetable bed...use Fox Farm for my master kush females ...shouldn't be hard to find


Well-Known Member
If you have to mix some manure in, I wouldn't plant tomorrow. Maybe start them in some small pots to keep near your site? What's your soil look like? If its that good (forest humus is a main ingredient in a lot of primo bagged soils and composts) , you might be able to get away with just digging a whole, throwing a shovel full of manure in the bottom of the hole, mixing the soil you dug out with the perlite, and planting that way. Good luck! I've never done guerilla growing, but it sounds like a rush.
i agree totally. glad i didn't have to type it out.


Well-Known Member
i agree totally. glad i didn't have to type it out.
You're the man, Scrog! I didn't bother wasting any money on mycorrizhae ($15!) because I noticed that forest humus was the main ingredient in my compost. When I opened the bag, I saw a little bit of fungus, so I'm feelin good about my organic potential this year! Thanks for the heads up a couple weeks ago, in case you dont remember


allright, so far so good, germinating my seeds with the glass of water method. they have spent 12 hours in the glass of water. Big bud and NL feminised have sunk to the bottom of the glass , but Biodiesel seeds are still floating in top of the glass, tried to poke them down gently but they continiue coming up. should I consider that as a problem?