Yeah im going to use clones.Well I would not put them all in one patch. Spread them out I put anywere to 2 to 5 plant per area so 150 plant you might want to get a hand held gps....Cuz you wil never remember were there all at..Ever thought of using clones that way you would not keep going back to sex them that way you do not hav seedy pot. Maybe you do not mind it will take alot of planning to do it and do it rite I plan on putting out about 100 clones that way i know there all females!!!!!!!! Good luck and keep it safe
K.... Say they found my grow and I was driving there, Would the police just park their cars on the side of the road? or would they hide it?planting 150 ILLEGAL plants out in the open is never a good idea imo. i wouldnt be worried about hikers finding them. i would be worried about planes/helicopters. especially if you're growing tall plants (sativas). i would suggest planting them and a couple of weeks later going and topping them (the ones you can find)
Im talking about next yearit way 2 late 2 plant now
Thanks man! Do you know how long I should veg for the biggest yield?Maby scale it back a bit? I would start now but, indoors. Grow 5-10 plants and pick the best female. Clone her a few times and veg those until spring. When your ready to plant make like 150 clones and pick the best 100. Set up four grow sites 25 plants at each site. Clear and till a 5 by 5 foot area that with give each plant a square foot. Make sure your strain is one that grows in one cola for best results in the outdoor sea of green. I would also look into "advanced nutrents heavy harvast" highy recomended! just my two cents. If you want to know how I do it PM me I just might let you in a little some some.