Planting on soil vs pots


I'm now growing a few autoflower seeds outdoor. I've a greenhouse because the temperature are a bit low but now i'm a little concern about the rain.

Right now we're going through a dry, but it's common to rain like hell in April.
If i plant the seeds on the pot i can control the watering. But i would rather prefer to have them in soil instead of pot, so the roots can grow bigger.

What do you advice me, to plant the seeds on soil even if on the next few weeks could rain a lot, or should i put them instead on a pot and maybe later i cut the bottom of the pot to roots grow more?

I may control a little the watering with the greenhouse cover over the planting zone, but i've zero experience on this and i would rather hear a few opinions first.



Well-Known Member
i say grow in the pots first then after the bulk of the rain transplant or cut out the bottem of ur pot and plant the whole pot in the ground


Well-Known Member
build a raised bed in greenhouse........the best of both worlds. a 3' tall planter, so you don't have to bend as much


Sorry mate but i'm not quite sure what's a raised bed (or the exactly translation of it).

It's something like this?



lol.....nah......i would have it sit on the ground so the tap root can dig deep
Yeah, that's what i'm thinking to do. Build it with 40 cm vertically and 0.5 meter by 2 meter (maybe 3, 4 plants), so the greenhouse prevent rain, and when the roots grow more than 40 cm i'm hopping that there'll be no more crazy rain! Btw, if the roots can grow deep, is there any problem if they are in a square with just 50 cm for example?

The biggest advantage that i see in pots for me is to bring the plants at my farm house if the temps at night are to low, but in 10 days the average temperature excepted is 13/14 º min with 21º max, may remain so.

I guess i just need to learn a little more about drainage and how to test it, and then i'm ready to start it :)


Well-Known Member
I like pots because they can be moved. Had to do that
last year, they weren't quite ready and we got some heavy rain