Planting in Topsoil with Peat Moss


Active Member
I germinated my seeds successfully. I planted my seeds into those red party cups with Scotts Topsoil with Peat Moss. Am I missing something and is this a good medium for the first two weeks until I transfer? BTW my grow is outdoor and I am leaving them outside so they can be under the sun. Thanks.


Yeah that'll work you just wanna make sure they have good drainage if you haven't already done it poke some holes in the bottom of the cups


Active Member
I put only one hole in the middle of the bottom? Is that good enough? Haha I'm freaking out and worrying a ton already due to my anxiety thinking every little thing is gonna kill my plants.


depends on how big it is if its about as big as your pinky finger nail put 1-2 more, i hear ya first time i started i worried about them all the time, that will change they are pretty tough plants they're called weed cause thats what they are a weed lol just. The plant will tell you what it needs by looking at its leaves. go to and somewhere in the middle of the page you'll find a link for the cannabis grow bible by greg green its a free download for acrobat reader its a little out dated but will get you going in the right direction pretty useful i learned alot from it. Good luck