Plant wilting 2 days after transplant


Well-Known Member
I transplanted two plabts from 3 g to 7 g pots the other day. When trying to get the plants out of the fabric pots...I had issues and disturbed the root balls. But later that day...the plants looked happy in their new homes.
So, yesterday I decided to turn up my light to 600w (from the 450w I had it set at). Got my temps and exhaust dialed in with a decent negative pressure.
About 5 hours plant decided to start drooping (the other is fine). I've been checking the moisture since the transplant and it was still ok....not drenched but not dry either. So I dialed back the light to 450w.
I gave the plant a little Vit B shot into the surrounding soil right before lights out and a quick foliar feeding of the same. Not much...enough just to get to the roots but not drench the soil around it.
Today it's still not looking very happy. No burnt tips or dicoloration...just drooping like it's sad about something. Lol
Hoping it was just a shock of changing the light too soon after transplant? Any ideas?

Cali Cajun

Well-Known Member
I'm still pretty much a newbie, but they look good to me - I had something similar after transplanting and switching from CFL's to a stronger LED, but the plants bounced back after a couple of days. Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in, but they might perk up on their own within a day or two. I can't completely tell from the picture, but the soil also looks a bit dry. But might just need a moment to get used to the higher intensity of the light.

Cali Cajun

Well-Known Member
IMG_4998.JPG Here's a picture of mine with a really pronounced droop at the end of the day the first day I switched to the LED light. They recovered the next day and are once again completely perky.


Well-Known Member
I'm still pretty much a newbie, but they look good to me - I had something similar after transplanting and switching from CFL's to a stronger LED, but the plants bounced back after a couple of days. Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in, but they might perk up on their own within a day or two. I can't completely tell from the picture, but the soil also looks a bit dry. But might just need a moment to get used to the higher intensity of the light.
I'm hoping it was just a combination of transplant and higher wattage light. Hopefully it'll come back now that I turned light back down for a bit


Well-Known Member
I transplanted two plabts from 3 g to 7 g pots the other day. When trying to get the plants out of the fabric pots...I had issues and disturbed the root balls. But later that day...the plants looked happy in their new homes.
So, yesterday I decided to turn up my light to 600w (from the 450w I had it set at). Got my temps and exhaust dialed in with a decent negative pressure.
About 5 hours plant decided to start drooping (the other is fine). I've been checking the moisture since the transplant and it was still ok....not drenched but not dry either. So I dialed back the light to 450w.
I gave the plant a little Vit B shot into the surrounding soil right before lights out and a quick foliar feeding of the same. Not much...enough just to get to the roots but not drench the soil around it.
Today it's still not looking very happy. No burnt tips or dicoloration...just drooping like it's sad about something. Lol
Hoping it was just a shock of changing the light too soon after transplant? Any ideas?
Be patient. Transplant shock takes a little time to get over with some plants. I had one that took 14 days before she stop drooping after that she was happy. She had lived in a 1 gallon pot for 3 months then move to a number 5 pot:weed:


Well-Known Member
Be patient. Transplant shock takes a little time to get over with some plants. I had one that took 14 days before she stop drooping after that she was happy. She had lived in a 1 gallon pot for 3 months then move to a number 5 pot:weed:
All 3 of my plants in veg tent are a little unhappy with me. The two I went from 3 to 7 and one that I went from Solo Cup to a 5g (because I didn't want to transplant her again).
One of the 7g is still drooping the bottom couple leaves but the top part came back and is showing new growth. The other 7g never got as droopy...and looks good now...but growth has stalled for the time being.
And the little one in the 5g pot had its bottom leaves turn yellow. But she's starting to look better and showing new growth (been a week or so for her in the new home). She's still got the yellow bottom leaves. Im pretty sure I overwatered the soil when I put her in.


Well-Known Member
I want to do some LST to both of the 7g pots but I'm waiting for them to fully adjust and get their strong root system going through the whole pot


Well-Known Member
Aim the fan at the plants. Not away.
Yep I did that hoping to dry the pots a little faster. Seems to be 7 gallon pots seems fairly light. But when I put a moisture tester into the still says 6-7 (10 being as high as it goes). Using the finger test...its cool and damp a couple inches down . So I'm not sure how accurate the tester is...but I know they're not dry so I have been holding off.