Plant troubles


Well-Known Member
my plants leaves are yellowing a bit. is must b from N deficiency. even tho i carefullyt used 1/4 strength soltuion. i know the reccomended treatment is to flush the plant. then shud i use fert every othr watering injstead of every watering??, is this better to keep flushing out the left ovr nutes in the soil?????????????


Well-Known Member
How old is the plant?
What is your pH?
How big is the container?
What nute solution are your poviding?

If it is a young plant and you are giving it nutes, you could be causing slight nute burn (but it would be on tips and edges).
Incorrect pH (even in soil) can cause a salt lock in the system, preventing your plant from uptaking nutes.
If your plant is in too small of a container it will appear to have nute def. but that is only because your roots are struggling to get more space and nutrients.


Well-Known Member
plant is in 5 gl pot. have yet to get a soil ph tester. always use 6.8ph water. 5 wks old euforia bout 17 nches high, bit bushy also, the bottom leaves yellowed and died. im planing on jus using this plant for another couple of wks then cloning a few plants off it. if the leaves arent too yellow shud they b alrite to clone??


Well-Known Member
If a couple bottom leafs are turning yellow that is pretty normal, and you should be clear. I had a mental image of a half yellow plant from the bottom up, that isn't good. But like I said if its 2 or 3 leafs your fine. 5 gal is plenty big. Just look at your entire plant, if you have nute problems it would be seen through out (most of time). Just give it only water for the next few waterings, take your clones, and everything should be alright. :peace: