plant trouble... with pics


Active Member
Hey all...

I've tried almost everything to try to revive these ladies.. now I come running to the experts...

I've tried foliar feeding with veg nutes.. I water fed with veg and flower nutes.. and I've foliar feed with Epsom salts... I raised the light... and I'm not seeing a turnaround... what should I try next???

I though Mg but the FAQs say it should start from the bottom and go up.. this seems to have started at teh bottom of the top cola and then gone up.. but the off shoots below the top cola don't show this.

Every time I water I get the pH down to about 6.3... this is a soil grow... and its day 35 of flowering....



Well-Known Member
As far along as they are I wouldnt give any more nutes. I would flush them with lots of water. Have you inspected closely for any insects? Although it really does look like nute burn.