Plant top leaves yellowing


New Member
I was hoping someone could help me out with this plant. I went away for several days and wasn't taking care of it. Basically It was low on calcium and I gave it some cal mag. The lower leaves started to yellow and form brown crunchy spots. After a while the top leaves started to turn pail and all new grow is extremely light green. Temperature is good, and the light is good. Its in soil. Any advice.



Well-Known Member
what kind of soil, and what kind of nutrients

looks like you're soil pH is off to be seeing all this at the same time. you do have some calcium deficiency going on there, but the upper yellowing color is due to elements that are immobile in the plant, and are not being obtained from the medium


New Member
what kind of soil, and what kind of nutrients

looks like you're soil pH is off to be seeing all this at the same time. you do have some calcium deficiency going on there, but the upper yellowing color is due to elements that are immobile in the plant, and are not being obtained from the medium
Just regular potting soil. I have another plant in the same soil doing just fine. My PH is around 6.3-6.4. Ive given it a good bit of nuts. Is it possible this is from excess of another nut.


Well-Known Member
How do you know it was low in Calcium? Be careful with calmag, can easily fuck up your plant - if low on mag then give mag only, how is your pH? maybe mag is getting locked out


Well-Known Member
Different plants exact same treatment and it went wrong with only one plant displaying symptoms. Not sure how it can be a deficiency if only one plant it showing signs, how would that happen? Perhaps this plant has some root issues of some sort that the other plant wouldn't necessarily get?

I've always been interested in these types of issues that don't span multiple plants in same enviroment.