Plant Suffering possible nutrient deficiency


New Member
I am growing in an indoor deep water hydroponics system. I have 2 air stones running 24/7 to ensure the root system has enough air. I light using 2 125 watt CFLs on a 18-6 schedule. At first I thought this might be an iron deficiency, but after adding iron and a few weeks with no change I then considered it might be a potassium deficiency. I added water soluble potash but have not seen a change. Please help. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Looks like nitrogen to me, as far as I've seen potassium looks nothing like that. I would change your res, and put in grow nutes at 600ppm as well as cal mag and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I don't grow in hydro just so you know, but that looks like magnesium deficiency to me. The CalMag will help correct it.

Cereal box

Active Member
I thought it looked like mag deficiency as well. You can also foliar feed with Epsom salts for mag. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
What is the pH and EC of your nute solution?

You'll want a pH of 5.5 because as a plant feeds the EC drops and pH rises allowing all macro and micro nutes to be taken up by the roots.

When pH rises above 5.8/6.0 it's time to lower it back.down to 5.5

Keep EC between 1.0 and 1.5 or if you use a ppm/tds meter,between 500 and 1000 ppm.