plant suddenly wilts mid-flower


Well-Known Member
ive seen this a handful of times in the last few years, in the middle of a cycle where one plant out of many suddenly wilts and dies. Entire plant is affected, starting with the fan leaves

this is in rockwool (pargro 6x6x4 which is pretty quick draining), flooded on a table twice a day, EC and pH are fine, rest of plants on same table look perfect.Affected plant had slightly smaller flowers than the rest but not by much

some sort of root pathogen? media doesnt smell like root rot. any preventatives i can add to the res?


the plants are big and established. thats the base of the stem, in a 4x4x4 cube on top of a 6x6x4. the roots on the bottom of the big cube are slightly yellowed, but not brown or slimy

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I run aeroponics, but i clone the plants on Rockwool, and i do some kind of 1-2 weeks vegging only on Rockwool on another grow tent, i find that i had similar issues to yours, then i started to add 50ML of HYDROGEN PEROXIDE weekly with one of the waterings, believe me or not it didn't happen again, so I believe it's some kind bacteria.
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is pool shock/clear rez a good idea?


Keep it simple.
Above 72 degrees warm water holds less dissolved oxygen, and therefore encourages the growth of more viruses, fungi, and anaerobic bacteria. Using Hydrogen Peroxide adds Oxygen to your water and cleans the water of pathogens. Benefits include healthier root systems, increased nutrient uptake, thicker stems, and bigger leaves
i have some grotek 35%, whats a good dosage in this instance? the jug says 3 ml/gal but its old (10 years)

dont want to burn
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Does your room run hotter than it should? Looks like root rot, due to unknown issue.
Did your cubes seem dry in between waterings in the recent past? If so, you may had root die back, and those roots died and rotted causing n spreading root rot.
Im sorry to say, but the next stage will be those leaves turning crispy n the shoots dying off. Once it happens the most likely outcome is plant death. At this point you may as well try what you have on hand to treat for root rot on at least one of the plants.

Good luck, fingers crossed.
its been warm, tail end of summer. that plant was pulled and has since wilted competely. i changed all res's and added 3ml/gal 35% H2O2

were coming into fall where res temps should be mid 60s not low 70s