Plant stretch need help/advice


So I have been asked to help someone out with there plants stretchin I have replanted a few but there's some that are that stretched that I just don't know what I could do are they save-able? ?1397414551649.jpg1397414624022.jpg


Staff member
wow....that is the worst case of stretching ive ever seen.

first off what lights are you using?

plants stretch to reach toward light, cannabis is a very light wanting plant.


Well-Known Member
Right now these stretched babes are just ideal for planting out as a gorilla grow,, those very very long stems once buried, in pot or ground will form roots in 10 days or so, long stems outside mean no or low water issues, later in the year, so are just ideal for a private outside arid grow spot ...good luck


Well-Known Member
Wow, those look like chives or something.

I would transplant those in to whatever larger bucket you had planned and bury the trunk as deep as the pot will allow. If you really want to get crazy you can drill some 1/4" holes along the lip of your larger bucket, and using twist ties train the plants to grow horizontally around the perimeter of the buckets. An old member here by the name of Hobbes used to grow like this. He called it the "crop circle of buds". He would end up with a bucket o' buds with a canopy no higher than 12-16 inches high.

Best of luck


Well-Known Member
wow....that is the worst case of stretching ive ever seen.

first off what lights are you using?

plants stretch to reach toward light, cannabis is a very light wanting plant.
In europe the aristocracy likes rhubarb grown like this ..with very little light, simply by placing a road/traffic cone, over the germing plants to offer an inch of light at most per sq. foot, they say it makes it taste very sweet


Thanks for the input, I was given these to try rescue them off a first time grower I didn't ask what lights he's using. I'll just Burry the fuckers in some buckets see how the ladies react
Cheers lads
Live n learn:bigjoint: