Plant Stem Problem?

good ol' boy

Well-Known Member
Hello fellow smokers. I am a newbi which you probably already knew. neways I have started trying to grow my first plants as the price of everything has gone up. Since this is my first time, I am only trying to use collected seeds, just to get the basics down. any help will be greatly appreciated.

1. The plants are in there 2nd weed of vegetative growing.
2. They are checked everyday and watered when the first couple of inches of soil are dry.
3. They are outside.
4. They are being grown in potting soil that has a appreciated ratio of 20, 10, 5

i checked the plants earlier today and found one that was laying over on the soil. After further investigation I noticed it had a skinny section in the stem. At soil level the stem seems to be of good size, then in the middle it gets significantly smaller. But then it gets large again.

What could be causing this problem? The plant gets adequate sunlight.

Thanks for your time.

P.S I apologize for not having a picture, I will try to get one ASAP.


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite sure what might be the cause of the weak stem but if you bend the stem back and forth for a few mins a day it will increase the strength. We do it with our babies and they turn out great. Good Luck if we hear anything about increasing stems we will let you kno.

good ol' boy

Well-Known Member
Thanks mo. rite now its being held up with a stick.
would a few nutes help it out in the growth department or is it to soon, since its only in its 2nd and a half week of growing.


Active Member
i wouldn't add any nute for a few more weeks.. as long as the stem isn't broken where it fell over then staking it up should do fine untill its stonger..


Active Member
Water your plants with mineral water, it is direct CO-2 to the roots & will make them a lot stonger also plants love it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it's "damping off" . . . which would mean the plant is doomed. It's a dampness/fungal/bacteria kinda thing. Google it for more info.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks MrFishy, you helped me with the same answer recently in another post but i just had the time to google and read a bit about it, (and now im scared) seems damping off is an easy problem to aquire.


Well-Known Member
you have a pic? I had a couple that did that to me, first set i staked up and grew inside, second set i set outside. I didnt do anything further to outside one at all for about 2 weeks. Inside ones were taken care of.
Long story short...ones inside finally started to flourish and i could remove stake after 3 weeks. one outside i left layin down. I lost 3 of them and rest finally pickd up. but i believe they are stunted now.

the ones i left inside, i took a couple of them and buried them further up to bottom leaves. they flourished too. Just some personal experiences mite help you out.


Well-Known Member
Water your plants with mineral water, it is direct CO-2 to the roots & will make them a lot stonger also plants love it.


roots actually have no use for co2, it wont make them stronger and they are indifferent to it.

and why would mineral water have co2? the only difference between mineral water and regular water is that it has minerals. it's "hard", with lots of calcium and assorted other minerals. some of those minerals might be carbonates, but that isnt in a readily available C02 form, and would only mess around with the PH of the soil.


Active Member
Really..... I got that information from my Big Book Of Buds by Ed Rosenthal, it was a grow tip from KC Brains on page #173, he has been breeding for 20 years, in the book he is standing in a field of marijuana. I myself tried mineral water on my plants & thought it made a major improvement in how well they grow, I have been growing & studying marijuana plants for 33 years now. I am also a marijuana botany expert.