Plant shows two different things?


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is 5 weeks in Flower in a Sativa Dom plant.
The tops on the main branches are a happy green with the slightest tip Burn to some leaves, less than 10%.

Other Tops look more yellow, they are from lesser branches.

nutes 850 PPM 1tsp each, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, Epsom salt per gallon.

I have fed water only yesterday and today to see If the tip burn slowed down.

Got a Doctors appointment.

pics in my journal, click blog link below!

will post more later, got to go to Dr.


Well-Known Member
Hi DZ,
Hope you are well. I would suggest that perhaps the two conditions are related. With higher levels of nutrients, certain lockouts can occur. I know it's an overused concept, but that might explain the yellowing. Also, remember that sativas tend to be lighter in color and also use less nutrients (as a general rule) then indicas.

As you drop your nutrient levels, things may green up. One of the many paradoxes of growing...less is more. I'd back off on the MgSO4 as well. Unless you've had an actual Mg deficiency...I'd suggest only 1/4 tsp per gallon as a maintenance dose. That will lower your PPMs a bit and allow more "room" for the good stuff. (which is P and K right now)


Well-Known Member
Hi DZ,
Hope you are well. I would suggest that perhaps the two conditions are related. With higher levels of nutrients, certain lockouts can occur. I know it's an overused concept, but that might explain the yellowing. Also, remember that sativas tend to be lighter in color and also use less nutrients (as a general rule) then indicas.

As you drop your nutrient levels, things may green up. One of the many paradoxes of growing...less is more. I'd back off on the MgSO4 as well. Unless you've had an actual Mg deficiency...I'd suggest only 1/4 tsp per gallon as a maintenance dose. That will lower your PPMs a bit and allow more "room" for the good stuff. (which is P and K right now)

Sounds Like a good description of what's going on.
I will follow you advice.

with a Plant drinking Almost one gallon a day, should I feed Nutes every other Day or every day?

I was feeding Nutes every day, is that to much for a Sativa??


Well-Known Member
These are Hempy buckets...correct? That means hydro. I'm no Hempy expert...but when I did use them, I'd top up with nutrients daily. I kept the ppm level at a modest level.


Well-Known Member
Yep the one plant in my tent is done in a Hempy format with my existing materials at hand.
10 gallon storage container by rubber maid.
I drilled 10 of them 2" up 1/4" dia holes all the way around the the container.
I filled the bottom two inches with Hydroton then I set the plant with its Rock wool.
then I back filled till The container was Full.

Hempy with clay pellets and rock wool, but still Hempy!


Well-Known Member
Ya that's right. Now I remember your diy design! So that's working out OK? Holes not too small? Seems to me that you would have a more consistent internal ppm level if you fed with the same mix daily. Rather then a fluctuating level.

But if you got nute would really have to drop the strength. I actually can't make a recommendation. I know I would feed daily. But if you do change your protocols...drop nute strength by half or more and slowly ease back up. Do you have some way to assess internal ppm?


Well-Known Member
No internal PPM test.
I don't test run off as it's very small.
I am hoping that 550 is a magic number!


Well-Known Member
That's one of the beauties of the Hempy bucket idea. No messing with testing. One thought...and I know removal of runoff is a hassle, BUT have you considered watering to excess similar to coco grows? About 10% runoff to give a little clearing flush daily? Just a thought...


Well-Known Member
I did fill till I had about half gallon of runoff yesterday when I saw the yellowing.
I sucked it right back up with my shop vac and tossed it.
Then I lowered the PPM From 850 two days ago to 550 today and 1/4 tsp. ES.
As you so wisely advised me!
this is my first Sativa, I'm still a Noob.


Well-Known Member
Plant still looks sick maybe sicker!
I pour a Gallon of PH 6.0 water into my Hempy container.
The runoff was 5.96 PH and 110 PPM.
Should I flush more or wait and see??
my water from the tap is 110 PPM....
thanks All!


Well-Known Member
How long are you going to flower? If you're going 8 weeks, I wouldn't worry too much but if you need to go 10 or 12 I wouldn't be happy with that many yellow leaves. I usually go half veg half flower nute-wise for the first few weeks of flower to avoid N deficiency.

I always get a little tip burn towards the end of a grow but not as much as your photos are showing. I think backing off the nutes was a good idea. However, I would say bump N and see if it helps if you are going to flower longer than 8 weeks.

I think the reason you aren't getting a reply is that your plants look pretty good for week 5 flower and people are probably reluctant to give someone with so much rep advice, lol.


Well-Known Member
I wish Rep equaled knowledge, this is my 2 nd plant being Flowered.

I still have lots to learn.

my first plant was an Indica and this one is a Sativa dom. Plant.

I was probably over feeding it based on JohnDee, to much Mag.

I expect a long flower period but I don't know if it's 8 weeks or 12, I think 12.

Im planning on 12 weeks so all the yellow is NG.

Should I add a nitrogen based food, i.e. Grow Big from Fox Farm and back off bloom Nutes??


Well-Known Member
I'm a fast learner, and I'm glad to share with all my fellow Noobs!
I retired so I spend to much time here also....


Well-Known Member
Hi DZ and 1701 (love the avi),
I've been thinking about your grow DZ and worrying about the rockwool. That stuff can stay wet and I actually have never seen it used in a Hempy bucket. I might consider a dose or two of H2O2 to ward off any incipient root issues. And along the same lines...when you add nutrients, I would put an airstone in the solution for an hour before giving it to the plant (if you aren't already).

And regarding flushing and nutes. There seems to be this idea that 1/4 strength nutes are better for flushing then straight water. I don't know the reason for this and since you've already flushed...well it's water under the bridge so to speak.

Most people suggest a week after a nute burn/flush before resuming nutes. And like 1701 suggested...that should include some N. So carry on...fingers crossed for you...


Well-Known Member
I stated something wrong the Original runoff was 1060 PPM!
I started running PHed water a gallon at a time till the PPM was 240.
It took nine gallons to get it down that far!
I then added a last gallon with a little bit of Grow Big and a Tiny dose of Big Bloom,
total PPM 325, remember my water is 110 to start.

Thank You For all Prayers and input!

I never did a Hempy grow style, I used took change my res water weekly when I did E n B on my first plant.

I now know Flushing is important in a Hempy system.

how much Hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water?



Well-Known Member
How often should I flush if this plant survives??
remember I have a rock wool encased root system surrounded by Hydroton.

thanks To All!


Well-Known Member
How often should I flush if this plant survives??
remember I have a rock wool encased root system surrounded by Hydroton.

thanks To All!
just read the thread over JohnDee I see your answer to my question.
10% run off each feeding like Coco!