Plant Shakes


Well-Known Member
is it okay, if my plant shakes?
it's from the fan, it makes it kind of wiggle, constantly...
but it's not blowing directly, on my plant


Well-Known Member
Yes infact it is a good thing wind in nature is what strengthens the stems of the plant, makes them fatter and able to carry more nutrients. Actually if I were you I would let the fan blow directly between the light and the top of the plant as long as it wasn't strong enough to blow the plant over it can only do it good.


Well-Known Member
agreed its a very good thing... will strengthen up your stems nicely.... Me and my friends call it a rain dance.. haha.. cause the first time my dude saw it dance he thought it did that cause it needed more water...DUH... lol hes noob though so no worries..

Willie North

Well-Known Member
you should leave the fan on the plant for a few weeks or so
till the stock gets nice n strong
you really only need stakes for outdoor plants