Plant "rusting" and yellowing on side leaves, ridges of leaves curling upward. (PICS)


Well-Known Member
Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Nutrients: None added as of yet
Water: Distilled
PH/PPM: Unknown (The shitty electronic ph meter I got from Home Depot just reads everything as 7.0 :wall:)
Lighting: CFL's
Ventilation: 2 Honeywell Air Circulators

Oh there are also holes appearing in some of the leaves. The plants are on their 3 week 3rd day (Got the days wrong in my grow log :-/ woops) Can someone please help I believe whatever the problem is, is really beginning to stunt their growth and I want to put them under some MH's soon but not if their stressed :-(. +Rep for solid answer :blsmoke:


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
That's a typical symptom of Phosphorus deficiency.

Keep in mind that many of those soil probes only work when the soil is very wet- almost mud. You may want to get some cheap wideband pH drops and just test the runoff to find the soil pH. Allow liquid to sit in the soil for at least a few hours after watering, before squeezing a few drops of water out to test the pH of. Letting the water sit in the soil awhile before testing runoff gives a more accurate reading of the soil pH.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree & say all I see is a mag deficiency. I am not familiar with FF but I would guess the soil has a low Mg content. Get some calmag nutes & start with 1/4 strength.


New Member
looks to me this guy was a little stoned when he was watering an poured some nutes on his leafs :))

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of what Phosphorus def commonly looks like in veg.

View attachment 1553898

Just like with the pics in this thread, Phosphorus def in veg makes splotches of brown crispyness in seemingly random places on the leaves. This necrosis becomes more focused on the leaf tips during flowering. Magnesium deficiency causes brown, rough-looking patches in between the veins of the leaf, like so:

View attachment 1553899

The two deficiencies can look fairly similar, especially in very late Mg def, where the damage spreads across the leaf veins. The Mg def will still start out looking more like this and less like P def, though. There could be a slight other problem somewhere contributing to the damage or even causing the lockout of Phosphorus, like pH perhaps, but P def is most certainly the main problem shown in the pics above.


Well-Known Member
Well the plants are a tad over 3 weeks and I hear Fox Farm Ocean Forest will supply nutrients for about that long. Should I add a 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt to a gallon and water the plants to check for mag. deficiency or just mix 1/2 tsb of Grow Big with the equivilant in Grow Bloom an water with that. Only problem is I cannot check the Ph :(


Well-Known Member
They've been turning yellowish from the ends of the leaves and have moved inward along with curling at the edges for the past 2 weeks or so, possible longer. The wilting edges and holes have been kind of recent. I hate that plant problems appear basically all the same :roll:

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Any of those can help the problem, but you really should try to aquire a high-P fertilizer like Bone Meal or certain Guanos. Since you had the problem using your current ferts, it may take new ferts to completely fix things.


Well-Known Member
I'm not using any fertiziler atm, I have Fox Farms Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. Right now any of the nutrients the plants are getting is from the soil (FFOF). Should I mix 1/2 tsb of Grow Big and 2 tsb. of Big Bloom to 1 gallon of water and feed them?


Well-Known Member
they r some similarities but also particular differencies in deficiencies, how come u cannot check ur ph, that is CRUCIAL, u have to go get a meter, get a cheap probe one, better then nothing. use a tsp per gallon & u cant go wrong starting all ur nutes (at 1/4 strength), but u have to be able to guage ur ph.


Well-Known Member
Hah I already did that an it was defective straight outta the packaging. I could maybe get some litmus paper now... but I thought the point of using Distilled water was because it maintained a neutral pH balance of 7.0 or is that RO? Could I get an answer soon regarding the Ph as the place I would be going to get the papers closes soon!


Well-Known Member
I use nothing but tap water because it contains several secondary nutrients the plants crave, of course I leave it out for 24 hrs as to dissipate excess chlorine. Never used the papers, but whatever u need to do to check ur ph. why not bring back the one u got for another one, even without a receipt they will probably credit/exchange for u; I did that (returned) with some crappy soil I got from lowes with no receipt.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You'll want to use a full dose of the Tiger at next watering and you shouldn't get any more leaf tissue death. For the time being, anyway.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks one last question what should the Ph of the water be for proper nutrient absorbtion ?


Well-Known Member
in soil ur ph should be ideally between 6.5-6.8, so anything going in should be ph'd as close to that as possible.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, I put 1/2 tsp of Epsom salt with 2 tsb. of Tiger Bloom and watered t he two plants that definetly seemed to be showing signs of P-Deficiency (Thanks Mother I'd +rep you put I need to spread more around :) ) An the other very robust indica dominant looking one I watered with a seperate 1/4 gallon (not a complete 1/4 gallon just what I diluted the salt in) with a 1/4 tsp of Epsom Salt. Hopefully they will improve thank you all for the help :D