Plant question regarding pot size


I'd like to know the answer to this as well. I've got one right now in a 5 gal paint bucket that's about three feet tall and I'm wondering if I should transplant to a bigger pot already. Its only been living in it for a month!


Active Member
Its generally a gallon a foot of growth.. Or per month of growth period.. So if they'll be growing for less than five months you shuold be good.. and they'll grow at maximum potentail for the entirity of your grow..


Well-Known Member
I've seen 6 ft plants in 5 gal pots and I'm sure that there have been larger, but if I was planning on going big I would do at least 10 gallons. Besides better root development, it is also easier to weight them so that they don't fall over in the wind. 20-30 gallons is even better. If size is issue for security reasons you can always tie them down or top them or both.


Well-Known Member
I put my plants in 5 gallon buckets then dig a whole and put the bucket in the ground.....does this seem like a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Depends on your soil conditions, do a soil test. You want a nice loamy soil with good drainage. If you are going that route you should dig a hole as big as you want your plant to be. Also, I don't know if you have gophers where you are but I would line the hole with gopher wire.