plant problems

Why is this happening to my plant? I have it under 2 55w cfl bulbs 24/0.its in soil about 6 or 7 weeks old.please help.


Well-Known Member
i feed calmag in every watering especially if you are using RO or distilled you will want to. tap water has minimal cal/mg in it.

leeach he means flush. running a good watering thru it.

spotting is due to not enough cal. possible soil ph to low locking out cal. light yellow to lower leaves in low N.


Well-Known Member
You're growing it in a trash can... it's adapting to its environment...


Did you drill holes in the bottom of that container?


Well-Known Member
And you might want to work your lights back to something like a 20/4 schedule. Let the plants get some down time to recover while you are working this out.