plant problems, purple leafs and white spots


Active Member
i have one plant that had yellow leafs but after i started new nutes for flowering they turned purple. is this ok of better, the nutes has all the trace elements. also my other plant ive also gave this nutrients has white coloring on the leafs but if i lick my hand and gently touch it comes off.


Active Member
yeah i can just whip it off its like dust . what should i do do correct it. ive heard it only really affects weaker unhealthy plants, but mine is flourishing


Well-Known Member
either monkey jizz or powdery mildew.

if it's the latter, remove those leaves immediately, improve air circulation, and trim carefully to remove any affected bud.

if it's the former, place some decoy plants outside the desired perimeter and bait them with bananas and female monkey forms.

hope this helps. best of luck.


Active Member
i checked on my garden and there was dew on my plants, so i look closer and the white spots are not there. so does that sound like power mildew still.