plant problems plz plz plz help


Well-Known Member
i am now 30 days into flowering and im seem to have ran into a problem. I usually post pic but my camera broke and havent been able to borrow anybodys. hopefully maybe someone will have an using happy frog soil.. i use nutes every other watering. fox farm nutes and general hydro usually stays betweet 73-81 in the room and using a 600w hps light..this problem started occuring with the last 4 days..the leaves started to get little brown spots all over the leaves with little yellow blotches..bottom and top..the top leaves were pointing to the light majorly the light was a little close so i moved it up some and its 19inch away now..pretty much all my fan leaves and some other exisiting leaves are having this problem but they are also..drying up and falling off.. also some of the little leaves around the buds are starting to show this problem as well..thanks if any ideas i konw its more difficult without pics but..i just dont have an option and it looks like im running out of time...thanks


New Member
1. It could be nutrient burn.

2. It could be pests like mites. Go to Radio Shack and buy a 10x scope and look at the undersides of the leaves. If you have mites, you'll be able to see them moving around ... and you'll see their eggs also.



Active Member
its either nute burn or mites so try flushing and if that doesnt work buy some bug shit otherwize idk what to tell you sorry bud
hey mine had this problem a little bit and i was told it was a ph deficiancy and then wen i fixed the ph the spots stopped. i then just pulled the really bad leaves off and the plant has been ok ever since......