plant problems maybe defficiency???


New Member
hello all i am starting off on my new grow. I am using sunshine no4 grow medium soil 1000w hps dimmable to 500w. Just recently i transplanted my plants(4 white widow and 1 acapulco gold) and put them into my grow room for the first time under 500w hps and noticed that my plants were acting up. the bulb in over 3 feet from the plants to avoid stress and heat for the first week. Plants look good and are growing but the older leaves are starting to brown and i dont know what this means. I added a dilluted composte tea brew for the transplant and some distilled water. They were under a t5 for a month an a half and went straight to hps. can anyone diagnose what this might be. i clipped some of the leaves off because they were getting bad. Should i even be clipping them off or not?. Thanks



New Member
oh and btw i am not using nutes for the first week so im not sure what it is. they are stillunder vegging cycle of 20/4. the newer leaves are getting a yellow tint to them also. the were doing awesome under t5. The nutes i will be using is fox forms trio grow big big bloom and tiger bloom along with root drench every 2 weeks


New Member
I am not sure what my pH is I do not have a pH tester but I did not think I need to use one since I am using distilled water. In the picture they don't look as bad as they really are but you can only get a good idea of what they really look like. Could it be from the tea brew because I did brew for three days and diluted it with 2 gallons of distilled water with a total of 4 gallons of diluted Tea brew



Active Member
I am not sure what my pH is I do not have a pH tester but I did not think I need to use one since I am using distilled water.


Im guessing its ph burn. Distilled water is no guarantee that the range is where you want it. Adding anything (tea for example) is going to change your ph.


New Member
Ok. I can relate to that but I didn't give any to my Acapulco gold and it is kind of having the same affect but not like the white widows. I had it at 750watts for the initial and thought it was too much and turned it down to 500 but I am using Mylar. Does that have an affect even though it's 4 feet from the plants?