Plant problem - Yellow spots


I am growing 4 plants, bagseed. Using Fox Farms Ocean Floor soil. Currently not adding nutrients but plan to start this weekend.

They are 13 days old. Two days ago one of my plants developed yellow spots, as pictured in the individual photo.

It appears to still be growing at an appropriate rate. But the spots are spreading and worsening.

Any ideas? Thank you.



looks like heat stress do you have air cirulating around the young ladies
I do, I have a fan blowing over the plants, and up through the lights so heat is blown away, and the intake fan is blowing over that particular plant as a matter of fact.

Still my temps read 85F. Unfortunately I live in a hot environment, and ambient is around 75F usually. Thus keeping a closet cool has proven tricky for me. Any suggestions?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I know. It happens when the RH is that low when they are that young. My winter grows always need a hudifier when they are young. Do yourself a favor and go to walmart, they have temp/RH gauges for less than 10 bucks. They will tell you the high, low and current temps and RH so you can keep track and adjust as needed.


if you were using hotter lighting you could add a bowl of water to your grow room, so as the heat from the lights would evaporate the h2o thus increasing the humidity... something to keep in mind if u ever decide to use hotter lighting.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
if you were using hotter lighting you could add a bowl of water to your grow room, so as the heat from the lights would evaporate the h2o thus increasing the humidity... something to keep in mind if u ever decide to use hotter lighting.

That won't create enough.


My goodness, yours are only 2 days older than mine but look at the size/density difference!!!!! I already posted about the fact that mine are having problems, but to only have 1.5 sets of leaves and only 2 days behind yours? Mine are autoflowers, but they produce quickly ... wondering if I should start another seed or two germinating in case these are a loss ...


I am growing 4 plants, bagseed. Using Fox Farms Ocean Floor soil. Currently not adding nutrients but plan to start this weekend.

They are 13 days old. Two days ago one of my plants developed yellow spots, as pictured in the individual photo.

It appears to still be growing at an appropriate rate. But the spots are spreading and worsening.

Any ideas? Thank you.

