
Well-Known Member

One of my girls in my Veg room is showing some problems. Leaves are developing white spots on them. In fact, the spots are becoming so dense that the leaf is starting to look white...

My pH is at 5.4 and I use general hydroponics nutes with Lucas Formula. I have one other girl next to this one in the Veg room, and she looks ok, and is not exhibiting this problem.

Has anyone else out there come across this issue?

One point to make: I wasn't always using Lucas Formula on this plant. So she may be showing signs of a problem from an earlier nutrient experiment.


PS EDIT: By the way, I've checked them closely for bugs, and do not see any at all. Plus, bugs would infest the other plant, and she's healthy. The white is almost like a fine mist across the leaves...And really at first, I thought it was dust.... Just wanted to add this comment before people starting saying bug infestation.



Well-Known Member
Agreed. Hydro you want 5.8-6.2, sounds like you've been a bit on the low side. No nute burn though, so I doubt it's toxic salt buildup in your media.

Also, have you ever foliar fed nutrients? or tap water? Salt deposits in those will definitely put white spots on your leaves. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing guys, just didn't want to say anything and persuade an opinion. She was actually due for new nutes, so I did up a fresh batch tonight and went with a little higher pH than normal. oddly enough, all my other plants seem to thrive at 5.3 to 5.4... Thank you for your advice. Much appreciated!!!


New Member
The photos are not great but better than most shown on different sites. The ones used for white spots from pH caused deffiencies are supposedly the tow photos above the line about ozone gas damage. The photos are quite extreme examples.