Plant problem, or just impatience?

Started some indoor plants in November, only got 1 female and she has been flowering for over a month without budding, getting nervous.
I water her once a week with miracle grow, making sure the water is pure and she isn't getting nutrient burn.
I use 2x F17T8 hanging bulbs @ about 5100k temp, and 2x 100w CFLs. Started at 18/6 and moved in 3 stages to 12/12 once white hairs were formed.

My concern is that the hairs are moving to a majority of red/orange yet the trichomes are still clear/white (atleast haven't noticed any amber yet), and there is very minimal bud growth.



Active Member
you're either flowering a sativa, or your lights need to be way closer. those tubes don't help much, and 2 CFLs don't give much light. your plant looks like it is coming along normally, given the conditions. your buds aren't going to be super big or dense, but you should be happy that your plant generally looks healthy.


Global Moderator
Staff member
With that amount of lighting you aren't going to get big dense cola's. The plant looks healthy & happy, just small due to limited light.
Also the tin foil is not helping your cause - flat white paint reflects better than that stuff.
Overall, nice little girl.
So I agree with the other guys those cfl's just don't push enough light out and it's not the propper spectrum to encourage aggresive bud growth. It looks like the plant was stretching for the light. If you're going to continue using cfl's the T5 fixtures are much more effective but if you don't want to spend more money then get you're plants nearly touching the bulbs(cfl's put off almost no heat so you won't burn them even if you're plant touches the bulb. As for the bud you have it looks normal considering lighting. I have done simmilar grows in the past and I'm not sure yeild is even the right word for what you get.