Plant Problem Need Help!

i have a female plant its a bag seed
she has 2 weeks left Friday till i chop her
and her leaves are turning yellow i picked most of the off
cause i know that yellow leaves are normal during this stage but now more are turning yellow
one thing for sure i know its not the nutes, here is a picture i know its blurry but u can see what im talking about



hey i have a plant promblem to can you guys help me i dont know what i am doing wrong.the first one was on 5/13 the second one was on 5/19 and the third pic was on 6/4 i t just all started going down hill but its olny the top fan leaves that are dying off. she is onlly 6 or 7 weeks into flower and my buds are small. i put her in flower on 4/23.
sorry for cutting in on the conversation im new to the site i dont know how to post new threads.