Plant problem can anyone help? PLEASE :)

Hi there guys n gals My Quasar is starting to show few signs of probs and was wondering if anyone could throw a few ideas at me please, I have another identical system running in the same conditions off a seperate res next to this with 2 x moby dicks and ther looking ok.
joshy on car x mas bush 034.jpg
joshy on car x mas bush 043.jpgjoshy on car x mas bush 042.jpgjoshy on car x mas bush 041.jpgjoshy on car x mas bush 040.jpgjoshy on car x mas bush 039.jpgjoshy on car x mas bush 038.jpgjoshy on car x mas bush 037.jpgjoshy on car x mas bush 036.jpgjoshy on car x mas bush 035.jpg
1.2 x 1.2 x 2 mtr tent
600watt light
Day temp 29
night temp 21
Ec 0.6
Ph 5.7
Medium 20% coco 80% clay pebs
Feed canna coco A + B
Humidity 55 - 60 %
oxygen pump rumming in nutrient reservour
Watered once a day 15 min with mini mouse pump 10 mins before lights come on
Roots just started to drop in nutrient tank and looking healthy white
I found loads of white jumping bugs in medium the other day and looked them up to be springtails ive also read there beneficial to the soil is this correct ??
I did have a fair bit of algae on the top of the coco in between pebs that was green wet gunge but covered to keep the light off and its dried up now
Pics 4-5 and 6 are my moby dicks and there looking ok.
Hope someone can help with my ladys cheers:wink:


Well-Known Member
You might be overdoing it with all the supplements and shit, plus take a pic with your hps light off so we can get a clear view of the color of the leaves.
Hi there max thanks for your reply sorry about the poor pics just took some more here they arewithout lights 003.jpgwithout lights 004.jpgwithout lights 005.jpgwithout lights 006.jpgwithout lights 007.jpgwithout lights 008.jpgwithout lights 009.jpgwithout lights 010.jpgwithout lights 011.jpgwithout lights 012.jpgwithout lights 013.jpgwithout lights 014.jpg1- 8 is the quasar thats showing the signs and 9 - 12 is the moby dicks in identical temps and nutes etc but they look ok to me, if it is nitrogen is that up the ph slightly? cheers bud:wink:


It depends on what the nitrogen was sourced from. some will raise the pH, most N will drop the pH.

you definitely need to add some N, but since youre in hydro I strongly recommend you find an inorganic N supplement.

As far as the spots on your leaves, I have to say those are likely from bug damage to the roots. I have seen that a few times when I had fungus gnats.
Maybe there not sprintails like i thought then? what do fungas nats look like ? these little shits are minute white things that jump like fook! Should my coco A+B alraedy have the nitrogen added to it? Maybe 5.7 ph is not hitting the nitrogen uptake? Sorry for being a bit of a dick your probably thinking but im no expert at this and every other one in the past ive done been plain sailing so allthis is a new learning curve to me


Well-Known Member
Looks like it might be needing magnesium, but I have my own issues with nutes so you might wanna google...I love But in picture comparison it looks the same as the pics of Magnesium deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Maybe there not sprintails like i thought then? what do fungas nats look like ? these little shits are minute white things that jump like fook! Should my coco A+B alraedy have the nitrogen added to it? Maybe 5.7 ph is not hitting the nitrogen uptake? Sorry for being a bit of a dick your probably thinking but im no expert at this and every other one in the past ive done been plain sailing so allthis is a new learning curve to me
Fungus gnats look like gnats flying around your plant.


Hey man looks good. Gotta love the process its what makes this an art. Your def needing some mag. N perhaps but I would first get your mag correct. Also whats your water temps at. Lower than 65F will help prevent fungus and some bugs. I would never let any bug live in my system. If it is a bugs are there they are living off something. Either the plants nutes or the plants themselves. Get rid of them. Clean your nute tank. reset nutes with a 1/2 standard mag mix. (MagIcal is what I use) make sure your water is nice and cool. Get the light of your nutes and continue the healing process. Hope this is helpful certianly not trying to be rude all the above is simply my opinion based on the research and limited experiences that I have.
No mate havnt got nothing flying just the jumping micro white things in the coco , so do you think these could be the problem? i read up and thought they were spring tails! checked the under side of the leaves aswell with a jewlers scope and look bug free, funny as this has come about within 2 days !:-?
hey weavel cheers for your advise ok will drain off the tank and refill i added cal mag before in half dose but its not had nute change for 2 wks now so its overdue anyway, you think i will be good with the hygrozyme still?? With regards to the tank temp i dont know as never checked this before but will go invest in water thermometer tommorow and let you know. Ive just been and checked the ladys again through the scope and cant see nothing living on the plants themselves!! just the springtales in the coco!! Any ideas to what i can add to the tank to kill off the living shits in the coco as you right there eating something. The leaves are starting to slightly curl up aswell now but not hook up just slightly and feel dryish to the touch



1. if yo dont spray your fan leaves with clean water every know and then you should start that. a light spray to help humidity.

2. This coloring might be from excess nutes for your ladies. After getting new nutes in test there ppm after a couple waterings if the reading says the nutes are incresing this means your baby is not able to process all the nutes and is struggeling to remove them from the water. the sweet spot is when ppm goes down at a similar ratio to the water being absorbed out of the solution.

3. Im no expert on how to kill bugs but there are some pretty helpful forums about teas to kill bugs. I use hydrogen peroxide in small quantities if im ever batteling slime it may work for bugs. I know lowering water temp helps against bugs.
Cheers weavel, Right im going to clean out both the tanks today add fresh nutes, Canna coco A+B , drop superthrive , correct dose of hygrozyme and half recomended dose of cal mag and see where we go from there...... Ive been wondering if i could add pond algae treatment to the res??? do you know if this would be ok as on the bottle says wont harm pond plant life but not sure if my ladys would be good with that or not. I have covered everything now to prevent algae but not changed res since so thats a defo must. I did have it starting in res but my white correx sheet was still letting in too much light and covered extra with card board since then the algae kind of stopped and has gathered in one corner of the res un attached. The green slime has calmed right down that was on top of coco so thats better, may get some clay pebs or pea gravel to cover tops of pots just to make sure any light cant get to the coco to start algae again. Im wondering if this is a mag deficiency starting as one i have read coco is a calcium mag hogger anyway thats why i brought calmag and also algae i read can diminish some nutes so maybe a possability, so first thing first today there going to get a good clean out and fresh water/nutes. I had to be topping up nutes every now and then so they are using them. Also a little crazy thing my tap water keeps going from hard to soft lol one time i test it its reading 0.4- 0.6 and another time weeks later its not reading anything lol. oh well time to get busy ;)


It's affordable and wise to not use tap water. The goal is to create the perfect situation for you plants. This is accomplished by being in control of as much as you can. Tap water in some areas is bad. Really bad. Test the ppm of the tap it may surprise you. Also if you look at you wTer bill companies disclamier it will tell you some bad stuff hiding in the wTer. Start with bottled water. Make your nutes only what you put in. Thus controlling another factor.

Algae requires light. If there is no light to places wTer is stored or absorbed there will be no algae.
Can light get in from the walls of your res because it's thin? If so you may have to find a way to block that light from getting in.