Plant Probems: Help for the Color Blind


I am color blind.

I am pretty good at figuring out colors and shades, but this is my first set of problems I've had in a long time and I can't tell what's wrong.

I recently moved and had to switch to rooms with lower ceiling height.
  • These girls are 2 weeks into Flowering.
  • Growing under a 600w HPS Hortilux bulb and 2x 400w Mars Hydro II's.
  • Temperature stays around 75F.
  • Humidity is around 40%.
  • Growing in Coir/Perlite/Happy Frog mix (40/20/40).
  • Using Roots Organics nutrients.
  • Watering when the plants get dry, but not too dry (every 3 days or so).
Also, these plants were in 1 gallon pots up until a few days ago. I had a family emergency and was unable to take the time to replant them into bigger pots. I barely had enough time to feed and water them properly.

A few days ago I took them out and ran a blade vertically through the bottom 1/3 of the root ball to promote new root growth and dipped them in Oregonism XL before planting them into 5 gallon pots (before anyone says disturbing the roots is the culprit, I've been doing it for years without a problem and these problems in the photos were occurring before I transplanted them).

The plants showed no signs of shock from the trabsolant. Not at all. And they've been getting better every since.

These problems in the photos below had started occurring a few weeks ago while they were still in veg and when this family emergency first occurred. From then on I've been gone (going back and forth once a day for the plants). But only being able to spend a few minutes a day with them.

The plants immediately started looking better after I transplanted them.

I wanted to know if these photos showed signs of anything else that could possibly be a problem.

Do I just need to give them some more time to adjust?

20160331_165222(0).jpg 20160331_165228.jpg 20160331_165235.jpg 20160331_165245.jpg 20160331_165417.jpg 20160331_165320.jpg 20160331_165200(0).jpg 20160331_165901.jpg 20160331_165851.jpg 20160331_165847.jpg

See anything that you point out and help me fix?

Any wisdom from the pros?

I have a good friend who usually helps me when I can't figure out color-related things myself. But he's on vacation...

I also wanted to say Thank You in advance to anyone who took the time to reply. Taking time to help others should always be met with appreciation and thanks. Any constructive feedback/criticism and/or help is greatly appreciated.


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Staff member
there seems to be some damage for me personally hard to tell whats wrong because hps leave an orange colored overlay so you get pictures of orange plants basically
you may get morehelp if you post photos in natural lighting


there seems to be some damage for me personally hard to tell whats wrong because hps leave an orange colored overlay so you get pictures of orange plants basically
you may get morehelp if you post photos in natural lighting
Thank You for taking the time the Reply.

I will get on that right away.

I am sorry (embarrassed) they were like that to begin with.

I'll wait till Lights Out tonight and then flip on the regular light switch to get some photos.