Plant Prob Just Noticed Today...


few quick questions

i have a small plant i got from a dispensary and im growing it outdoors. i just noticed that the tips of the plants leaf tips are are just starting to turn yellow... i feel like this is an easy question and an easy fix...

also i want to the plant to grow a little quicker because i started growing it i little late in the season, im using humboldt verde plant nutrents, any thoughts on a product and the one im using now?

also how often do you guys water your outdoor plants, i was told every 2-3 days so that the roots will go deeper to look for water, i do it every other day... thoughts?



The nutrient you have is good for vegetative growth but for flower get something with a high PK number. Water your plants when an inch of soil dries out. You have a nitrogen deficiency start feeding it 1/4 recommended dose with the nutrient you have now and gradually work your way up.