plant not filling in!!


Well-Known Member
is it going to fill in you think of is the plant fubared? has anyone ever has this happen to them. hope this pic is good enough the plant is 3 weeks into flowering



Well-Known Member
some plants genetics are 3 and 1 bladed leaves, but that looks more like stress from flower to re-vegg or maybe not enough light


Well-Known Member
well it is my earliest flowering one my other plants are showing perflower but not in flowering yet this one is way ahead. and the fucked up leafs are from when i topped the plant but they never got better and there only getting 4 hours of direct sun and another 1.5 hours of partched sun. so your thinking that maybe its reveging? anyone else have an optioion i can get better pics of needed


Well-Known Member
no its flowering for sure, im saying i think its been stressed at one point and maybe thats why it is growing like that.


Well-Known Member
well do you think its worth keeping? or should i just chop it?.....its too late to take clones or anything to see if they grow the same or not but ya is the 4 hours of light maybe the problem


Well-Known Member
ok ty does anyone else have any other possabilities. and i have another plant right next to it will that one be the same


Well-Known Member
man your not helping lol cant anyone give me any good news. should i dig em up and plant them else where?


Well-Known Member
well if no one else can tell me that i can successfully grow in 4 and a half hours of light then ill just dig em up and move em. ..... but i dont want to so if theres any glimmer of hope

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
There's a glimmer of a scrawny plant that will mature with sticks for buds.

It needs at least 6-8 of full sun for any real buds....but hey, prove everyone wrong.


Well-Known Member
you deff cant dig them up and move them now your root system..<going off their planted in the ground> as big as the plant...some plants deff do have leaves like yours and your plants are getting the bare minimum of light they need....I'm guessing this plant probably gets less light than the others and it's in a spot where it is shaded enough to trick it into flowering also guessing the others you have are same strain...the plant will fill in all plants in their third week look similar to yours and it all depends on genetics the buds look like a heavy sativa while the leaves look pure indica but if you say thats from topping then you may have a haze on your it closely and NEVER chop a plant b/c it looks like its not doing well in its 3rd week what do you have to lose?...I also think that this plant may take a few extra weeks to flower i.e. 10-11 weeks instead of 8 weeks...

do you know the strain name or geneology?..nutes your using or lack their of.... a Little more info could help

some things you can do are hack the trees/shrubs/foliage to let in more light if possible...and maybe if you not using it get ahold of some bloom boosters

and yea you could use more light but th sun is VERY intense your buds will develop fine you just wont end up with pounds I've had plants get same amount of light and still yeild just fine ppl hear one thing and think it can NEVER be done different if that were true you wouldnt be able to bud plants under flourescent lights...but what ppl dont realize is back in the day they didnt have MH or HPS lights all indoor growing was done with T12's and dont worry bout the retards telling you you wont get shit your outside youll do fine


Active Member
i dug mine up and they were fine. but my hole is wide and shallow only about 3 feet deep so it was easy not breaking too many roots. i heard morning sunshine is better for them too is this true??? and could his plant just be stretching because its flowering? its still early in flowering and arent they supposed to double sometimes??