Plant loose in soil?


Is it bad that the plant is kinda loose in the soil ive packed it as much as possible..its only like day 3 of the growing i guess the roots havent grown down enough...they kinda just move around in the soil is that bad? makes watering annoying i no that much..any tips or ideas?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Is it bad that the plant is kinda loose in the soil ive packed it as much as possible..its only like day 3 of the growing i guess the roots havent grown down enough...they kinda just move around in the soil is that bad? makes watering annoying i no that much..any tips or ideas?
give it a couple weeks. you don't want your soil topack. the freeier the roots grow in the soil the better


thats the thing though its already in one..i mean is it natural that its loose that early though? just because the roots havent gotten large enough yet?


Well-Known Member
Add enough soil to help the plant stand upright. Don't pack it too tight.

Let gentle watering tighten your soil. Don't pack it with your fingers.