plant looks droopy


Hello my fellow rollers lol

My black cherry soda strain dont look too happy after i transplanted, gave her 1/4 strength nutes, i use promix hp, Temperature in the tent is 79 d, humidity 50. What would be the problem??:wall:

Any help??




Well-Known Member
From the shitty picture I cant see anything out of the ordinary for a plant that just got transplanted. Give it a couple days it should bounce right back unless you were super rough with it. Even then it will recover but it will take a little longer, they are pretty resilient plants. Good Luck


From the shitty picture I cant see anything out of the ordinary for a plant that just got transplanted. Give it a couple days it should bounce right back unless you were super rough with it. Even then it will recover but it will take a little longer, they are pretty resilient plants. Good Luck
Sorry about the shitty picture i do have a shitty phone :mrgreen: