plant looking small indoor/outdoor


Hey guys,
This is my second time growing and the first went really well not sure if it was just luck or I
Really did understand everything I read l. Anyways this grow is going in a different direction. I have done everything the same good lighting (4500 lumas ) plus a grow lamp I got from Walmart? Its 240 Watts it said for growing indoor plants. But I really only have kept them under the lights if its raining/shitty weather out and night time. I have good nuts for them ( Dutch master gold ) good soil. But anyways my problem if that's what you wanna call it is that its very small and jot growing very fast at all. It just seems to be not gorwing at all. Maybe I'm just watching it tomuch and just not seeing it well ants ill post a picture and if you do see a problem krt me know please and thanks you, I have been a fan of the site fir a long time now. IMG017.jpg


Active Member
It looks fine to me. If its growing slow it could just be a weak sproutlet, or the roots might be over watered, or its just not getting enough light.
My 2 cents are, got to walgreens and buy a heating pad. Put it under your pot and turn it on LOW, keep the soil damp but not wet, and leave her alone for a few days.


Active Member
great point also seeding wont use large levels of light that soon wait till true leaves from 2nd set before lowering lights sorry raise lights first 5inches but hand under if too warm raise it but till those leaves grow in ur light poisioning it too much too soon