Plant looking like shit, please help


Active Member
So my girl is 23 days old now. Growing in mg organic soil w/40% perlite. Feeding 1/8 strength mg nutes (foxfarm ordered and on the way). The 3 finger leaves look the worst, but some of the 5's are starting to discolor as well. (my guess is a combo of too much water and nute burn, but im a newb). PH got up to 7.8, flushed and brought it down to 6.5. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Well-Known Member
You are corrrect too much water releasing too much nutes ontop of you giving it nutes. Dont feed, and water just enough to let it dry out in 2-3 days...this is a drought plant..its happier being on the dry side then too much water


Active Member
You are corrrect too much water releasing too much nutes ontop of you giving it nutes. Dont feed, and water just enough to let it dry out in 2-3 days...this is a drought plant..its happier being on the dry side then too much water
Thanks so much. I also topped about 6 days ago, so that slowed growth quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
The mg soil is fine. Just do as diabolical said. Use plain water and stay on the dry side.

Keep it simple. Its a weed that thrives just about any where.


Thanks so much. I also topped about 6 days ago, so that slowed growth quite a bit.
Hard to tell from the overhead view, but she looks a bit too small to be topped yet. If you're starting from seed, you should usually wait until about the 5th node before topping or it could drastically slow growth. Also, read up on your strain... some strains don't take too kindly to being topped at all and could delay growth up to a month. She looks small for 23 days old.

And I agree with the previous posters... let that soil dry out before watering again. If you haven't gotten a feel for when to water yet, it's better to have them start to wilt from lack of water than to be overwatering them. It's far easier for them to bounce back from underwatering. Dig your finger into the top of the soil and if the first two inches are still moist, don't water yet. I would've added more perlite to fluff it up imo... that doesn't look like 40% to me.


Active Member
Hard to tell from the overhead view, but she looks a bit too small to be topped yet. If you're starting from seed, you should usually wait until about the 5th node before topping or it could drastically slow growth. Also, read up on your strain... some strains don't take too kindly to being topped at all and could delay growth up to a month. She looks small for 23 days old.

And I agree with the previous posters... let that soil dry out before watering again. If you haven't gotten a feel for when to water yet, it's better to have them start to wilt from lack of water than to be overwatering them. It's far easier for them to bounce back from underwatering. Dig your finger into the top of the soil and if the first two inches are still moist, don't water yet. I would've added more perlite to fluff it up imo... that doesn't look like 40% to me.
I should have done some research before topping her. her 2 new main branches have started growing, but theres some other problems. Her new growth is all twisted, and the brown spots have spread, along with the leaf discoloration. I think It is a cal/mag def. I used bottled water to moisten the soil when I transplanted... I didnt think it would be enough to matter. I also think that the ph meter is wildly inaccurate... I'm going to go get some test strips. It's 40% perlite

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Well-Known Member
If you know its been overwatered and over fertilized...what would give you the idea its deficient of anything?Right now its getting an abundance of nutes and tbh I'm surprised it isnt burnt to a crisp yet


Active Member
If you know its been overwatered and over fertilized...what would give you the idea its deficient of anything?Right now its getting an abundance of nutes and tbh I'm surprised it isnt burnt to a crisp yet
I used RO water, which is what caused me to think that


I should have done some research before topping her. her 2 new main branches have started growing, but theres some other problems. Her new growth is all twisted, and the brown spots have spread, along with the leaf discoloration. I think It is a cal/mag def. I used bottled water to moisten the soil when I transplanted... I didnt think it would be enough to matter. I also think that the ph meter is wildly inaccurate... I'm going to go get some test strips. It's 40% perlite

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What's wrong with bottled water? What water do you usually use? Hopefully not tap water?


I was using tap water
I mean... you CAN use tap water... but you should have it tested first for chlorine. You really don't want any chlorine in there, plants hate it. If you live in the city, there will almost undoubtedly be too much chlorine in it, or worse chloromide. At least with chlorine, you can let the water sit out for 24-48 hours and it will evaporate... chloromide however will not. You can take a sample of your tap water to your local aquarium and have them test it for you. I would also test for PPM. You don't want your water too hard. Honestly, I would just buy a couple 5-gallon jugs and fill them with RO water and get some cal/mag from your local hydroponic shop and put about 200 ppm's of cal/mag every 2nd or 3rd watering... you don't really need much. I don't even think your soil has a deficiency right now... probably just pH fluctuating too much... or lockout from too much salt build-up caused by your tap water. But your main issue right now is overwatering honestly. Seriously, just let that soil really dry out (to where the pot is super light when you lift it) before you water again. She'll love you for it.

Btw, you're not going to get either a calcium or magnesium deficiency from watering with bottled water one time. I use strictly RO water for the first 3-4 weeks of vegetative growth before I even feed them any nutes and never see any signs of cal, mag or any other deficiencies. And that's with Fox Farm Happy Frog soil which is not even close to being as packed with nutes as your time-released MG.


Active Member
I mean... you CAN use tap water... but you should have it tested first for chlorine. You really don't want any chlorine in there, plants hate it. If you live in the city, there will almost undoubtedly be too much chlorine in it, or worse chloromide. At least with chlorine, you can let the water sit out for 24-48 hours and it will evaporate... chloromide however will not. You can take a sample of your tap water to your local aquarium and have them test it for you. I would also test for PPM. You don't want your water too hard. Honestly, I would just buy a couple 5-gallon jugs and fill them with RO water and get some cal/mag from your local hydroponic shop and put about 200 ppm's of cal/mag every 2nd or 3rd watering... you don't really need much. I don't even think your soil has a deficiency right now... probably just pH fluctuating too much... or lockout from too much salt build-up caused by your tap water. But your main issue right now is overwatering honestly. Seriously, just let that soil really dry out (to where the pot is super light when you lift it) before you water again. She'll love you for it.

Btw, you're not going to get either a calcium or magnesium deficiency from watering with bottled water one time. I use strictly RO water for the first 3-4 weeks of vegetative growth before I even feed them any nutes and never see any signs of cal, mag or any other deficiencies. And that's with Fox Farm Happy Frog soil which is not even close to being as packed with nutes as your time-released MG.
I leave the water on the counter for 2 days to dissolve any chlorine. In my op i actually meant a lockout as opposed to just a def. I'm getting a more accurate ph kit today so that I can get a better handle on my ph. I'm going to let her be for 2 days then check and see how she looks. imo she looks a lil better today than last night already.
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Active Member
Okay, do I got a ph kit from petco (for aquarium, will it work?) Anywho, I ph'd my tap & bottled water. Tap came out ~7.6, and bottled was 6.6-6.8 I want to test the runoff, but am apprehensive about watering any more right now. What should I do?



Active Member
I also picked up some dolomite lime today to mix in with my soil. How much lime should I mix if my plant is in a 1 gal container?


Well-Known Member
I also picked up some dolomite lime today to mix in with my soil. How much lime should I mix if my plant is in a 1 gal container?
. Is it pelletized or powdered? The powdered version works much faster. Pelletized takes longer to break down. Beforei plant my girls I always use 1 to 2 tbls per gallon and I usually never have to worry about my pH.


Active Member
Looks powdered... Heres a pic. If I've already planted do i need to remove her from soil, mix in the lime, then replant? And I bought some fish emulsion fertilizer, will it work during veg?