Plant look strange to anyone else ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah a friend had her and didn't take any care, Im re-veging her under cfl and feeding her up. Just interested to see what she does.


Well-Known Member
Im guessing i wont find out if its a hermie or not till i flower her?? Im Kinda new to this.
I was just going to get rid of her but shes just getting so bushy way faster than normal.


mite be a male mate i have a few plants on the go and 2 where growing fast as fuck taller and bushy then the others the 2 that did this was male's :( thats my view mate but then again it could mean or be sum think else

if your thinkin its a male take a clone off it flower the clone to find out save flower the whole plant

happy growing


Well-Known Member
i had a weird sativa hybrid that did this. on mine most leafs was like yours but get this the whole bottom half of my plants looked pure indica while the upper half looked almost pure sativa. it was a hybrid of hawaian snow.


Well-Known Member
It was a budding Female about 3 weeks ago so im not to sure that's the case. im just re-veging it cos he didn't water or feed it but it came from really good seeds.